May 22nd - Last day of Preschool; 11 a.m dismissal with picnic immediately following and going until 12 p.m (Please note the time change for dismissal)
Morning Books
"This Is Not My Hat" by Jon Klassen
"Buzz" by Janet Wong
"Spring Is Here" by Will Hillenbrand
Afternoon Books
"Franklin and the Hero" by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark
For planning time this week we use train tracks and trains to indicate when it's our turn to plan. Each child adds a piece of track and a train car as they share their work time plans.
Our Bible lesson this week teaches us about a man named Philip, a believer in Jesus, who shared the good news of what Jesus had done with a man from Ethiopia in Africa. Working through God's Word, the Holy Spirit created faith in this Ethiopian's heart, so he too became a believer in Jesus and was baptized.
Bible verse: Matthew 28:20b "Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Bible song: "Surely I Am With You"
Music Time this week is a great opportunity to review our vast repertoire of preschool songs that we've learned throughout our year. Some of the favorites include "Itsy Bitsy Spider, Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush, This Old Man, Twinkle Twinkle, Pop! Goes the Weasel" and many many more.
We end the school year by learning a silly movement song called "Fandagumbo". We learn what gumbo is - a thick, chunky soup which is often spicy - and try to think of some ways to cool our gumbo off. One idea is to fan it with some paper plates to cool it down. We "fan da gumbo" in a variety if ways - up, down, left, right, and around and around.
This week during Small Group Time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI) Natural and Physical World. Aspects of the environment and events that capture a young child's attention and curiosity are virtually unlimited. So much of the world is new to young children - they are constantly collecting data about their natural and physical environment, taking in a vast amount of information every day. Some of the things we do to explore our world this week include taking magnifying glasses outside to look at flowers, rocks, trees, bugs, and grass. We collect natural materials to make a collage, and also make rubbings of different natural materials with wax crayons.
As we prepare to break for summer vacation, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all parents and families of our preschool this year for the wonderful year we've had. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of your children and your families throughout this school year. I pray you have a blessed and safe summer!
Enjoying the beautiful day outside as we create nature rubbings. |