Christmas for Kids is one week away! Don't forget to sign up your child at
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Newsletter 11/26/14
Important Dates to Remember:
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
December 6th - Christmas for Kids; 9:00AM-12:00PM
December 19th - End of 2nd quarter; noon dismissal; Children's Christmas Service at U.A.A. at 6:30PM
Special Notes:
Morning Books
"Should I Share my Ice Cream?" by Mo Willems
"The Very Busy Spider" by Eric Carle
"Where is the Green Sheep?" by Mem Fox
Afternoon Books
"Dirt on my Shirt" by Jeff Foxworthy
This week at planning time, children used tongs to pick up a pom pom and place it into the hole of an egg carton. After placing their pom pom into a hole, it was that child's turn to plan or recall the events of work time.
God took care of his people, the Israelites, in the desert and led them to camp at the base of a mountain called Mount Sinai. Moses went up the mountain and God spoke to him there, telling him to remind the Israelites how He had led them out of Egypt, taken care of them in the desert, and now urged them to listen and obey him. There at the top of Mount Sinai, God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses. Moses shared them with the Israelites, giving them them the opportunity to show love for God by keeping and obeying these Commandments. We also have the opportunity to show our love for God by obeying him. And for all the times we know we fail to keep the Commandments, we thank Him for sending Jesus to die on the cross to pay for those sins.
Bible verse: Psalm 119:47 "I delight in your commands."
In Music this week we begin to explore the concept of pitch. The children have previously explored how two sounds can be either the same or different and this week the specific concept of high and low pitches is explored. With the song "Simon Sings", we use hand motions and body movements while singing high and low sounds, and we also use instruments to produce high and low sounds.
This week we warmed up with the song called "Following Directions with Exercise". This song was one of the songs we used in between morning stories last week, and the children enjoyed it a lot. We spend our last three days with balloons this week. We reviewed all of the skills we have learned so far - keeping the balloons up in the air, using our paddles, and dancing based on the color of our balloon. When we return from Thanksgiving break, we'll have a new material to work with during movement time.
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI):Tools and Technology. Working on this KDI allows children to become familiar with and learn to use tools and technology found in their everyday environment. They learn the functions of a variety of equipment and learn to use it with safety and care. Tools and technology can also support their imaginative play. Some of the tools we explore this week include scissors, hole punches, and eye droppers.
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
December 6th - Christmas for Kids; 9:00AM-12:00PM
December 19th - End of 2nd quarter; noon dismissal; Children's Christmas Service at U.A.A. at 6:30PM
Special Notes:
Thank you so much for your generous and thoughtful food donations this past week! All that food will be a great blessing to many!
Thank you for joining us this past Sunday for church here at Faith for our Thanksgiving service. It was a joy to see your children praise God in song with us!
Christmas for Kids is a free event coming up on December 6th. (Check out the poster on the bulletin board outside our classroom door for more information.) If you're interested in signing your child(ren) up for that, space is limited, so sign up as soon as possible at
Thank you for joining us this past Sunday for church here at Faith for our Thanksgiving service. It was a joy to see your children praise God in song with us!
Christmas for Kids is a free event coming up on December 6th. (Check out the poster on the bulletin board outside our classroom door for more information.) If you're interested in signing your child(ren) up for that, space is limited, so sign up as soon as possible at
Morning Books
"Should I Share my Ice Cream?" by Mo Willems
"The Very Busy Spider" by Eric Carle
"Where is the Green Sheep?" by Mem Fox
Afternoon Books
"Dirt on my Shirt" by Jeff Foxworthy
This week at planning time, children used tongs to pick up a pom pom and place it into the hole of an egg carton. After placing their pom pom into a hole, it was that child's turn to plan or recall the events of work time.
God took care of his people, the Israelites, in the desert and led them to camp at the base of a mountain called Mount Sinai. Moses went up the mountain and God spoke to him there, telling him to remind the Israelites how He had led them out of Egypt, taken care of them in the desert, and now urged them to listen and obey him. There at the top of Mount Sinai, God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses. Moses shared them with the Israelites, giving them them the opportunity to show love for God by keeping and obeying these Commandments. We also have the opportunity to show our love for God by obeying him. And for all the times we know we fail to keep the Commandments, we thank Him for sending Jesus to die on the cross to pay for those sins.
Bible verse: Psalm 119:47 "I delight in your commands."
In Music this week we begin to explore the concept of pitch. The children have previously explored how two sounds can be either the same or different and this week the specific concept of high and low pitches is explored. With the song "Simon Sings", we use hand motions and body movements while singing high and low sounds, and we also use instruments to produce high and low sounds.
This week we warmed up with the song called "Following Directions with Exercise". This song was one of the songs we used in between morning stories last week, and the children enjoyed it a lot. We spend our last three days with balloons this week. We reviewed all of the skills we have learned so far - keeping the balloons up in the air, using our paddles, and dancing based on the color of our balloon. When we return from Thanksgiving break, we'll have a new material to work with during movement time.
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI):Tools and Technology. Working on this KDI allows children to become familiar with and learn to use tools and technology found in their everyday environment. They learn the functions of a variety of equipment and learn to use it with safety and care. Tools and technology can also support their imaginative play. Some of the tools we explore this week include scissors, hole punches, and eye droppers.
Pinning mittens on a clothesline last week. |
Working on those fine motor pinching skills. |
Practicing before I pin it to the string. |
Fine motor threading beads on our turkey (playdough and spaghetti noodles) |
My turkey's tail feathers. |
Concentrating to get that bead on the noodle. |
Focusing as I try to put this pipe cleaner through the hole in the colander. |
I put a lot of pipe cleaners in mine! |
It looks pretty artsy; like a modern looking sculpture. |
Dishing up some spaghetti in the sensory table this week. |
Working on cutting this week for our Tools and Technology KDI. |
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Newsletter 11/19/14
Important Dates to Remember:
November 20th - Picture day
November 23rd - Preschool students sing in church at Faith at 11:00AM
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
Special Notes:
Morning Books
"Who Goes There?" by Karma Wilson
"Ugly Fish" by Kara LaReau
"Mary's Happy Christmas Day" by Kathleen Long Bostrom (we will be learning this story to recite at our Christmas service coming up on December 19th)
Afternoon Books
"Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site" by Sheri Duskey and Tom Lichtenheld
This week at planning time, we turned the lights off and used a flashlight to shine on the area in which we wanted to work at Work Time. Part of supporting children at planning and recall time includes providing props or games which help maintain children's interests. Adults converse with children about work-time experiences - inviting children to talk about what they have done, commenting on their play, and asking open-ended questions.
The Israelites had been delivered from the hand of the Egyptians and were now on their way to the land that God promised to give them. However, after journeying for a while, the Israelites began to complain to Moses and Aaron. They were tired of walking and they were hungry. They said, "In Egypt, at least we had food. But you have brought us into this desert to die." The Lord knew his people were complaining and he showed his love for them by sending bread from heaven called manna, and small birds called quail in the evening. The Israelites were to gather as much as they needed for one day. Each day God provided for their needs, and the Israelites had plenty of food to eat. God also provides us our "daily bread" when he supplies things like food and drink, clothes, shelter and many other blessings in our earthly lives.
Bible verse: Psalm 50:15 "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Bible song: "May the Peace of God"
During music time, we typically learn new songs a capella (that means without musical accompaniment, and just using our voices). A great way to review old songs, is to put them to musical accompaniment. We've used Miss Wendland's speaker to listen to a few of our favorites including "Slippery Fish", "See Saw Margery Daw", "Skidamarink", and "The Wheels on the Bus". We also used music time this week to practice and solidify in our memories the songs we'll be singing for church this coming Sunday.
This week we warmed up with the song "Run and Walk". We practice running and walking in place, with a smile on our face. We also have a chance during portions of the song to run or walk around the area we use upstairs in the fellowship hall. We then use the balloons again but this time with homemade plate paddles. We try to balance the balloon on our paddle as we walk around the room, move the paddle above our head, down to the ground, and turn around. We finish movement time by using our paddles with the song "Keep It Up!"
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Fine motor skills. Young children gain strength, flexibility, and hand-eye coordination as they manipulate objects. As children's hand strength and coordination improve, they grow increasingly adept at manipulating many age-appropriate materials such as scissors, pencils, markers, puzzles and other toys and gadgets.The more proficient and confident in their fine-motor abilities preschoolers become, the more eager they are to try new materials and use them in alternative ways. On Monday, teachers built on the children's recent interest in marbles by asking them to balance them on the heads of golf tees. On Tuesday, children manipulated small toothpicks and marshmallows to create sculptures. On Wednesday, children practiced using clothespins to pin paper mittens onto a clothesline. On Thursday, children created turkeys using playdough, inserting dry spaghetti noodles for the tail feathers and then placing beads on the noodles. On Friday, children thread pipe cleaners through the holes of strainers and colanders.
November 20th - Picture day
November 23rd - Preschool students sing in church at Faith at 11:00AM
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
Special Notes:
Another friendly reminder to work on those comfort kits and get them in to us as soon as possible!
Any food donations for the family in need in our Hispanic congregation may be brought in on Thursday, November 20th. Check your email for suggested donation items.
Non-perishable food donations for our Thanksgiving chapel service can be brought in on Wednesday, November 26th. Again, check your email for details.
Any food donations for the family in need in our Hispanic congregation may be brought in on Thursday, November 20th. Check your email for suggested donation items.
Non-perishable food donations for our Thanksgiving chapel service can be brought in on Wednesday, November 26th. Again, check your email for details.
Morning Books
"Who Goes There?" by Karma Wilson
"Ugly Fish" by Kara LaReau
"Mary's Happy Christmas Day" by Kathleen Long Bostrom (we will be learning this story to recite at our Christmas service coming up on December 19th)
Afternoon Books
"Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site" by Sheri Duskey and Tom Lichtenheld
This week at planning time, we turned the lights off and used a flashlight to shine on the area in which we wanted to work at Work Time. Part of supporting children at planning and recall time includes providing props or games which help maintain children's interests. Adults converse with children about work-time experiences - inviting children to talk about what they have done, commenting on their play, and asking open-ended questions.
The Israelites had been delivered from the hand of the Egyptians and were now on their way to the land that God promised to give them. However, after journeying for a while, the Israelites began to complain to Moses and Aaron. They were tired of walking and they were hungry. They said, "In Egypt, at least we had food. But you have brought us into this desert to die." The Lord knew his people were complaining and he showed his love for them by sending bread from heaven called manna, and small birds called quail in the evening. The Israelites were to gather as much as they needed for one day. Each day God provided for their needs, and the Israelites had plenty of food to eat. God also provides us our "daily bread" when he supplies things like food and drink, clothes, shelter and many other blessings in our earthly lives.
Bible verse: Psalm 50:15 "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Bible song: "May the Peace of God"
During music time, we typically learn new songs a capella (that means without musical accompaniment, and just using our voices). A great way to review old songs, is to put them to musical accompaniment. We've used Miss Wendland's speaker to listen to a few of our favorites including "Slippery Fish", "See Saw Margery Daw", "Skidamarink", and "The Wheels on the Bus". We also used music time this week to practice and solidify in our memories the songs we'll be singing for church this coming Sunday.
This week we warmed up with the song "Run and Walk". We practice running and walking in place, with a smile on our face. We also have a chance during portions of the song to run or walk around the area we use upstairs in the fellowship hall. We then use the balloons again but this time with homemade plate paddles. We try to balance the balloon on our paddle as we walk around the room, move the paddle above our head, down to the ground, and turn around. We finish movement time by using our paddles with the song "Keep It Up!"
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Fine motor skills. Young children gain strength, flexibility, and hand-eye coordination as they manipulate objects. As children's hand strength and coordination improve, they grow increasingly adept at manipulating many age-appropriate materials such as scissors, pencils, markers, puzzles and other toys and gadgets.The more proficient and confident in their fine-motor abilities preschoolers become, the more eager they are to try new materials and use them in alternative ways. On Monday, teachers built on the children's recent interest in marbles by asking them to balance them on the heads of golf tees. On Tuesday, children manipulated small toothpicks and marshmallows to create sculptures. On Wednesday, children practiced using clothespins to pin paper mittens onto a clothesline. On Thursday, children created turkeys using playdough, inserting dry spaghetti noodles for the tail feathers and then placing beads on the noodles. On Friday, children thread pipe cleaners through the holes of strainers and colanders.
Scooping ice cream onto a pie when we worked with part-whole relationships last week. |
I finished my pie! |
Counting out my scoops. |
Happily scooping my cotton balls. |
Pastor Ewings taught our Bible lesson on the ten plagues in Egypt on Thursday. |
It takes a lot of focus and concentration. |
Pushing golf tees into floral foam, and trying to balance marbles on them. |
Only just getting started! |
Tees first, then marbles. |
The boys working hard. |
Scooping, sorting, (and dumping), counting bears. |
Water table bubble fun. |
This boat is completely covered in bubbles! |
Dr. A checking out his patients. |
Look at all of these I put on the toothpick! |
Working on pushing mini marshmallows onto toothpicks. |
I'm trying to create a sculpture. |
I made a square with mine! |
Look at my marvelous marshmallow creation! |
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Newsletter 11/12/14
Important Dates to Remember:
November 14th - Parent's Night Out; 6:00-9:00PM
November 23rd - Preschool students sing in church at Faith at 11:00AM
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
Special Notes:
Morning Books
"Big Al" by Andrew Clements Yoshi
"I Want My Hat Back" by Jon Klassen
"Lost and Found" by Oliver James
Afternoon Books
"Finders Keepers for Franklin" by Paulette Bourgeois
As children plan, they imagine something that has not yet happened, and they begin to understand that some set of their own actions can make it happen. They begin to see their own actions as a means to an end. We divide our planning groups by the "Blue Group" and the "Green Group", with Miss Wendland and Miss Zarnstorff leading the groups alternating weeks. This week we use a hula hoop for planning. When it is their turn, children sit in the hula hoop, pretending they are a baby bird sitting in a nest.
In this week's Bible lesson we learn how Moses obeyed God's command to tell the king of Egypt to let the Israelites go. At first, the king refused and God sent 10 plagues or troubles to the land of Egypt. Finally the king permitted the Israelites to leave. After the king realized that he lost all his slaves, he changed his mind and sent his army to bring the Israelites back. God demonstrated his love and protection for his people by parting the Red Sea - creating a path of dry ground for the Israelites to walk across, with a wall of water on each side of them. The Egyptian army pursued them, but after all the Israelites made it across the sea safely, God caused the water to come crashing down on the Egyptian army, killing all of them. The Israelites called upon God for deliverance from the Egyptians and he rescued them with his almighty power. God also invites us to call upon Him in the day of trouble. He will deliver us and that gives us the opportunity to honor him. (Psalm 50:15)
Bible verse: Psalm 50:15 "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Bible song: "May the Peace of God"
In music we face the challenge of creating different sounds to the song "Not One, but Two". The song encourages children to create sounds using their voices or parts of their bodies. The challenge comes in creating two sounds that are different from each other. Some of the concepts children learn include that two sounds can be different in a variety of ways: soft or loud, slow or fast, high or low, and sounds with different timbres. We also use music time this week to give us extra practice for the songs we'll be singing in church on November 23rd - "Consider How the Birds Above" and "May the Peace of God".
This week we warm up by reviewing "Keep it Up". Last week we used small, yellow balloons, but this week we have bigger balloons of various colors. Our balloon challenges this week include trying to move from one line on the floor to another by holding our balloons in different ways. We hold them on our tummies, backs, head, between our hands like a steering wheel, or between our legs as we waddle to the other side. We close movement time with the "Song About Colors". We only stand up and wave our balloon around when the color of our balloon has been called. It takes some self-regulation skills to wait our turn!
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Part-Whole Relationships. Children's understanding of part-whole relationships comes largely by manipulating a variety of materials: materials that can be group and regrouped such as blocks, counting bears, and small plastic animals and materials that can be taken apart and put back together such as legos and playdough. On Monday we used playdough with beads and other materials to create birthday cakes. On Tuesday we manipulated beads in Ziploc bags with a little bit of water in them and a line drawn down the middle. Beads would move from side to side of the line, but the same 10 beads remained in the bag. On Wednesday we used buttons to arrange on a lady bug's wings, dividing them between the two wings in different ways. On Thursday we practiced a similar concept, except we put cotton balls (ice cream scoops) onto an apple pie. On Friday we used a classic material to demonstrate part-whole relationships: puzzles. The children in this group really seem to enjoy putting puzzles together!
November 14th - Parent's Night Out; 6:00-9:00PM
November 23rd - Preschool students sing in church at Faith at 11:00AM
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
Special Notes:
Another friendly reminder to work on those comfort kits and get them in to us as soon as possible!
You can find the sign up sheet for Parent's Night Out either outside our classroom door, or in the elementary school hallway outside the office.
You can find the sign up sheet for Parent's Night Out either outside our classroom door, or in the elementary school hallway outside the office.
Morning Books
"Big Al" by Andrew Clements Yoshi
"I Want My Hat Back" by Jon Klassen
"Lost and Found" by Oliver James
Afternoon Books
"Finders Keepers for Franklin" by Paulette Bourgeois
As children plan, they imagine something that has not yet happened, and they begin to understand that some set of their own actions can make it happen. They begin to see their own actions as a means to an end. We divide our planning groups by the "Blue Group" and the "Green Group", with Miss Wendland and Miss Zarnstorff leading the groups alternating weeks. This week we use a hula hoop for planning. When it is their turn, children sit in the hula hoop, pretending they are a baby bird sitting in a nest.
In this week's Bible lesson we learn how Moses obeyed God's command to tell the king of Egypt to let the Israelites go. At first, the king refused and God sent 10 plagues or troubles to the land of Egypt. Finally the king permitted the Israelites to leave. After the king realized that he lost all his slaves, he changed his mind and sent his army to bring the Israelites back. God demonstrated his love and protection for his people by parting the Red Sea - creating a path of dry ground for the Israelites to walk across, with a wall of water on each side of them. The Egyptian army pursued them, but after all the Israelites made it across the sea safely, God caused the water to come crashing down on the Egyptian army, killing all of them. The Israelites called upon God for deliverance from the Egyptians and he rescued them with his almighty power. God also invites us to call upon Him in the day of trouble. He will deliver us and that gives us the opportunity to honor him. (Psalm 50:15)
Bible verse: Psalm 50:15 "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Bible song: "May the Peace of God"
In music we face the challenge of creating different sounds to the song "Not One, but Two". The song encourages children to create sounds using their voices or parts of their bodies. The challenge comes in creating two sounds that are different from each other. Some of the concepts children learn include that two sounds can be different in a variety of ways: soft or loud, slow or fast, high or low, and sounds with different timbres. We also use music time this week to give us extra practice for the songs we'll be singing in church on November 23rd - "Consider How the Birds Above" and "May the Peace of God".
This week we warm up by reviewing "Keep it Up". Last week we used small, yellow balloons, but this week we have bigger balloons of various colors. Our balloon challenges this week include trying to move from one line on the floor to another by holding our balloons in different ways. We hold them on our tummies, backs, head, between our hands like a steering wheel, or between our legs as we waddle to the other side. We close movement time with the "Song About Colors". We only stand up and wave our balloon around when the color of our balloon has been called. It takes some self-regulation skills to wait our turn!
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Part-Whole Relationships. Children's understanding of part-whole relationships comes largely by manipulating a variety of materials: materials that can be group and regrouped such as blocks, counting bears, and small plastic animals and materials that can be taken apart and put back together such as legos and playdough. On Monday we used playdough with beads and other materials to create birthday cakes. On Tuesday we manipulated beads in Ziploc bags with a little bit of water in them and a line drawn down the middle. Beads would move from side to side of the line, but the same 10 beads remained in the bag. On Wednesday we used buttons to arrange on a lady bug's wings, dividing them between the two wings in different ways. On Thursday we practiced a similar concept, except we put cotton balls (ice cream scoops) onto an apple pie. On Friday we used a classic material to demonstrate part-whole relationships: puzzles. The children in this group really seem to enjoy putting puzzles together!
Working on forming some letters. |
Great team work to build this block tower! |
Building a road. |
Working on lego patterns last week. |
Cotton ball patterns. |
Reciting the pattern I made. |
Everyone wanted to watch Miss Wendland set up the new marble run! |
A picture of my brother. |
Watch out! The shark will bite you! |
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Newsletter 11/5/14
Important Dates to Remember:
November 14th - Parent's Night Out; 6:00-9:00PM
November 23rd - Preschool students sing in church at Faith at 11:00AM
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
Special Notes:
Morning Books
"Duck! Rabbit!" by Amy Rosenthal
"Froodle" by Antoinette Portis
"Looking for a Moose" by Phillis Root
Afternoon Books
"Boy + Bot" by Ame Dyckman
Generally, the older the child, the longer and more detailed his or her planning and review time becomes. Children are very active and purposeful during “do” time (Work Time) because they are pursuing activities that interest them. They may follow their initial plans, but often, as they become engaged, their plans shift or may even change completely. This week we pin a clothespin with our name on it to a pipe cleaner when it is our turn to plan.
God had a plan for Moses' life. God planned to help his people, the Israelites, leave the land of Egypt, and he chose Moses to be their leader. One day as Moses was tending to some sheep out in the fields, he saw a burning bush. Then he heard a voice from the bush call his name. The voice said, "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." God informed Moses that he was the one chosen to lead God's people out of Egypt. Moses was afraid of the large task he was given and God continued to reassure Moses that he would be with him. He gave Moses the ability to perform miracles, which would prove to Pharaoh that Moses was sent by God. Moses' final fear was that he wouldn't know what to say. God told Moses that his brother Aaron would go with him and that God would give both of them the words to say. God chose Moses for the special and important task of freeing his people from Egypt. God gave Moses all the help he needed to perform his task. God also helps us as we go about our daily tasks, the most important of which is to share the good news that our sins have been forgiven by Jesus.
Bible verse: Psalm 31:15a "My times are in your hands."
Bible song: "Consider How the Birds Above"
We open Music Time this week with the finger play called "The Puppy and the Kitty Cat". Any finger play that we do during music helps develop that internal sense of rhythm or beat. The second short song we learn is called "A Peanut Sat on a Railroad Track". Right away the children gathered that the poor peanut turned into peanut butter as it got squashed by a passing train, and they felt sorry for him! Our final song comes in the literature story "Mary Had a Little Lamb" by Iza Trapani. The children enjoy extending well known nursery rhymes by reading stories by the talented Trapani. This story teaches a very good lesson about cause and effect, as the lamb gets into all kinds of trouble when she runs away from home.
This week we warm up with the song "Knees Up Mother Brown". Our movement lesson this week is an introduction to balloons. We practice holding on to our balloons as we tap them to different body parts, balance them between our legs, and reach them up in the air. We also enjoyed creating static electricity and making the balloons stick to our shirts without using our hands to hold them there! We finished Movement Time with the song "Keep it Up!" where we practiced keeping our balloons in the air using various body parts.
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Patterns. "Thinking about patterns is an important early development in mathematical thinking in general and in the later understanding of algebra in particular. When children work with patterns, they learn two important mathematical principles. The first is stability. The elements in a pattern stay the same with each repetition (e.g., the elements are always red and blue). The second mathematical principle is that order matters: Once a pattern is established, it determines what follows (e.g., blue always comes after red)." (Epstein, p.105) The patterning activities we did this week included putting colored, plastic animals into patterns in an egg carton, copying unifix cube patterns from a pattern card, using beads to create a pattern on a pipe cleaner, patterning lego blocks, and creating a pattern with pom poms.
November 14th - Parent's Night Out; 6:00-9:00PM
November 23rd - Preschool students sing in church at Faith at 11:00AM
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
Special Notes:
The cold weather is upon us. Thanks for bringing in snow gear and all the appropriate warm clothes for you child. The children are working hard at becoming independent dressers. Putting all that gear on can be a lot of work. It would be a great help for us teachers if you encouraged independent dressing at home as well. The more practice, the better. Check out this article for some valuable information:
Teaching Your Child to Get Dressed
Teaching Your Child to Get Dressed
Morning Books
"Duck! Rabbit!" by Amy Rosenthal
"Froodle" by Antoinette Portis
"Looking for a Moose" by Phillis Root
Afternoon Books
"Boy + Bot" by Ame Dyckman
Generally, the older the child, the longer and more detailed his or her planning and review time becomes. Children are very active and purposeful during “do” time (Work Time) because they are pursuing activities that interest them. They may follow their initial plans, but often, as they become engaged, their plans shift or may even change completely. This week we pin a clothespin with our name on it to a pipe cleaner when it is our turn to plan.
God had a plan for Moses' life. God planned to help his people, the Israelites, leave the land of Egypt, and he chose Moses to be their leader. One day as Moses was tending to some sheep out in the fields, he saw a burning bush. Then he heard a voice from the bush call his name. The voice said, "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." God informed Moses that he was the one chosen to lead God's people out of Egypt. Moses was afraid of the large task he was given and God continued to reassure Moses that he would be with him. He gave Moses the ability to perform miracles, which would prove to Pharaoh that Moses was sent by God. Moses' final fear was that he wouldn't know what to say. God told Moses that his brother Aaron would go with him and that God would give both of them the words to say. God chose Moses for the special and important task of freeing his people from Egypt. God gave Moses all the help he needed to perform his task. God also helps us as we go about our daily tasks, the most important of which is to share the good news that our sins have been forgiven by Jesus.
Bible verse: Psalm 31:15a "My times are in your hands."
Bible song: "Consider How the Birds Above"
We open Music Time this week with the finger play called "The Puppy and the Kitty Cat". Any finger play that we do during music helps develop that internal sense of rhythm or beat. The second short song we learn is called "A Peanut Sat on a Railroad Track". Right away the children gathered that the poor peanut turned into peanut butter as it got squashed by a passing train, and they felt sorry for him! Our final song comes in the literature story "Mary Had a Little Lamb" by Iza Trapani. The children enjoy extending well known nursery rhymes by reading stories by the talented Trapani. This story teaches a very good lesson about cause and effect, as the lamb gets into all kinds of trouble when she runs away from home.
This week we warm up with the song "Knees Up Mother Brown". Our movement lesson this week is an introduction to balloons. We practice holding on to our balloons as we tap them to different body parts, balance them between our legs, and reach them up in the air. We also enjoyed creating static electricity and making the balloons stick to our shirts without using our hands to hold them there! We finished Movement Time with the song "Keep it Up!" where we practiced keeping our balloons in the air using various body parts.
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Patterns. "Thinking about patterns is an important early development in mathematical thinking in general and in the later understanding of algebra in particular. When children work with patterns, they learn two important mathematical principles. The first is stability. The elements in a pattern stay the same with each repetition (e.g., the elements are always red and blue). The second mathematical principle is that order matters: Once a pattern is established, it determines what follows (e.g., blue always comes after red)." (Epstein, p.105) The patterning activities we did this week included putting colored, plastic animals into patterns in an egg carton, copying unifix cube patterns from a pattern card, using beads to create a pattern on a pipe cleaner, patterning lego blocks, and creating a pattern with pom poms.
Enjoying the gardening sensory box in the sunshine. |
Tracing shapes |
Playing in the sensory table filled with rice. |
Creating a number line with blocks. |
Our "tunnel of terror". |
Working on a pattern with unifix cubes. |
Working together in smaller groups to create patterns. |
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