The water table was open during work time this week! Inside the water table: boats, walrus, and penguins! |
Fall Mixed Up by Bob Raczka
If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff
Leaves by David Ezra Stein
Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds
Leaf Trouble by Jonathan Emmett
Llama Llama Home with Mama by Anna Dewdrey
Bible Time:
This week the students are focusing on 'God Has a Plan for Joseph' (You will find this Bible story in your child's backpack. If you have time this week, please read it to them each day! It helps them better understand the story.) They have been looking at Revelation 7:17, "God will wipe away every tear from their eye." This is reminding the students, that even when things scare us or worry us - God will be there to strengthen and remind us that he has a plan for us. The students have been learning the song, 'What A Friend We Have in Jesus.' We can find comfort in Jesus, knowing he will always guide us through life and keep us safe.
Movement Time:
During movement time this week the students are focusing on galloping. We are able to start each movement session with a song for the students to dance or listen to instructions. This week we are doing the Popcorn Song. This is a nice warm up for the students. Following the warm up song, they are able to do some stretching while counting from 0 to 10. After getting their bodies ready to move, the lesson begins. The students were able to go around the 'neighborhood' (a term from the SPARK curriculum) while walking, running, and galloping. To help the students understand the different between galloping and skipping, each day it is broken down for the students how to move their legs to gallop. So far the students have shown major progress. We will continue to work on this for the rest of the week, as well as the school year.
Music Time:
The focus of music time this week is keeping a steady beat. The students were able to use rhythm sticks to do this. After reviewing several songs (using the rhythm sticks to keep a steady beat) the students were able to learn a new song of the week. "Seesaw Margery Daw." This song helps the students keep a very steady beat while singing. After using the rhythm sticks, the students were able to switch mid week to rhythm eggs. This helped the students still focus on the concept of keeping a steady beat, but in a new way! We also used the song 'I am Jesus Little Lamb' to keep a steady beat with our instruments. The students are always very excited to be able to use the instruments in music time.
A student made herself a necklace during work time! |
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week was Writing and focusing on the Alphabet. The students were able to do this throughout various activities.
Monday- The students were able to take trays of salt and practice writing out their letters using their fingers. This was a challenge for some, but the students enjoyed being able to practice their letters in a new way.
Tuesday- The students were challenged with tracing their names, writing their names, and then cutting out the letters to spell it on their own. Getting the students use to letter recognition is very important at this age. We do not require the students to know exactly how to spell or write their names perfectly. We want them to have a knowledge of which letters are which and do their best to write them out.
Wednesday- The students were asked to find their letter at the table. This helped them to recognize the first letter of their name right off the bat. Some students did need guidance, but that is to be expected. Students were able to have their letter taped onto the table. Using blocks the students were able to place them on the tape to make the first letter of their name.
Thursday- The students were able to trace different letters of the alphabet. The letters were not specific to the child's name, but just the alphabet in general. The students could choose which letters they would like to trace during the activity.
Friday- Each student received a printed first letter of their name. They were able to fill their letter with stickers. This helped with letter recognition as well as fine motor skills to get the backs off of the stickers.
Creating a picture with shapes during work time! |
Bark, George! by Jules Feiffer
Afternoon Table Activities:
During the week - the students also had the option of playing in the water table during the afternoon.
Monday (Math)- The students could work with counting bears to create a pattern. The sorting pie was also an option for the children. This helps them recognize colors and be able to place them in groups. Dominoes were available to the students as well.
Tuesday (Fine Motor)- The students had the option of chain links, beading and also working on their writing with the use of pencils. The students were able to create letters or draw pictures using their fine motor skills to hold the pencil.
Wednesday (Manipulatives)- During afternoon tables, the students could create race tracks for cars and use a marble race as well. The students had to create these tracks/races before being able to use them. The students had to use teamwork.
Thursday (Art)- The students were able to create pictures using watercolors for the first time this year. The students were free to mix and make their colors.
Friday (Sensory)- The students could choose from the water table, sensory bottles or the sensory bags. This provided the students with various options of play.
The students were SO excited about the snow on Wednesday. I wanted to share some pictures with you all!