Morning Stories:
Gobble, Gobble Crash by Julie Stiegemeyer
Give Thanks Each Day by Steve Metzger
Cloudy with a Change of Meatballs by Judi Barrett
Clark the Shark Afraid of the Dark by Bruce Hale
Click Clack Peep! by Doreen Cronin
The students were able to dig for fossils this week! |
The students were able to use flashlights this week. This is very easy during planning time when it is still dark outside. We turn off the lights and the students are able to shine on the areas they want to work in that day. The students really enjoyed being able to use the flashlights.
Sensory Table:
The students were able to place buttons (as leaves) on pipecleaner trees inside the sensory table. The students enjoyed being able to do this activity and it worked on their fine motor skills!
Bible Time:
This week the students heard the story of David and Goliath. We used visual aids to help the students realize the size difference between David and Goliath. This helped them to better understand the importance of God being on David's side. They were able to look at Psalm 56:11a, "In God I trust and am not afraid." The students were also able to learn the song, I'm in the Lord's Army! They have also worked on learning the song, Sing Glory Glory! which will be for our Christmas program on December 18th. The students enjoy singing the refrain as well as the verses. We have been doing actions with the words.
Movement Time:
This week the students are reviewing and adding onto last weeks lesson. We are again doing animal movements. The students love being able to act like the animals and learn more about how exactly these animals move. We have been playing the Sleeping Animal game. The students go to sleep and when they wake up they are to act like a certain animal. They enjoy this activity quite a bit!
Last week the students enjoyed exploring with hairgel and beads in the sensory bowls. |
The students have been working with the concept of pitch this week. They are able to understand that we can use our voices to sing high, low, and in the middle. We have been working on demonstrating these pitches as well as having each other guess which pitch we are demonstrating. The students have been willing to demonstrate on their own - what a wonderful surprise! They have been singing songs that we previously learned and demonstrating with their hands when the pitch is high or when the pitch is low.
Small Group:
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week is Art. Since it is Thanksgiving this week, we wanted to the students to have the opportunity to make projects that relate to the holiday.
Monday: The students were about to put feather on a turkey and say what they were thankful for. It was wonderful to see the different ideas the students said. The one that touched me the most was a student that said, "I'm thankful I get to go to heaven one day." What a wonderful thing to hear as we prepare for Thanksgiving.
Tuesday: The students were able to take orange, brown and green paint to create a pumpkin. The students were able to fold the paper in half and spread the paint using their hands - to attempt to make a pumpkin. We had a wide variety of pumpkins come out!
Wednesday: They were able to create turkeys for Thanksgiving! The students were provided the body of the turkey - they were in charge of making its feathers. The students did this by painting with dish brushes. The students really enjoyed this activity!
Afternoon Story:
Franklin and the bike helmet by Paulette Bourgeois
The hairdressers returned to the classroom this week! |
The students were able to use the sensory table in the afternoon as well as choose from snack and one of the following activities:
Monday (Math): number flashcards, linking cubes with number cards to create a representation of the number with the cubes.
Tuesday (Fine Motor): marshmallows and toothpicks, pipe cleaners with letter cards to create the letter.
Wednesday (Manipulatives): Nuts, screws, bolts, and magnetic shapes.
I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!