Morning Stories:
Little Owl's Night by Divya Srinivasan
The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen
I love my new toy! by Mo Willems
Journey by Aaron Becker
Snow Babies by Camilla de la Bedoyere
"My Family!" |
This week we have been using whiteboards and markers with the students. We write their names and the students must recognize there name on the board. In order to go play, the students must also recognize the first letter of their name. They are doing very well!
Sensory Table:
This week the students are able to 'wash dishes'. We have several different items available in the water table with soap and sponges for the students to use.
Bible Time:
This week we heard about how Jesus taught his disciples to trust him in times of trouble. We focused on Jesus walking on water. They saw him walk on water and quiet the wind and the waves. Jesus continues to show his almighty power through miracles. They were able to have a visit from Pastor Chris Ewings this Tuesday to talk more about the bible story. They even did some experimenting with items that would sink or float on top of the water. This helped the students realize the amazing power Jesus had since he could walk on water. We looked at Psalm 50:15, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you." We were able to learn this passage as our song this week. They were able to quickly pick up on the passage this way.
Movement Time:
This week the students were able to once again review the Go Car Go game. They really enjoy this activity. In warm ups the students used scarves to dance and manipulate while they were warming up their muscles for the activity. This week is circle act. The students are able to show various ways to use and move their bodies. The students have also enjoyed being able to do some dancing in the classroom during work time. We have been using Go Noodle to keep the kids active and use their bodies.
Music Time:
This week the students have been able to do an activity and learn a song through 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush' and they have been reviewing their song 'I've Got Peace Like a River' which they will be singing in church in March. They students have been able to review several previous songs and learn some fingerplays as well during music time.
Small Group Time:
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week is Natural and Physical World. The students are able to explore different activities and items throughout the week.
Monday: The students were able to experiment with magnets. They were able to go throughout the room to hunt for items that they thought would work with magnets. After experimenting, we discussed what works with a magnet and what does not.
Tuesday: We talked about water surface tension. They students were able to see and experiment with having a cup float on top of the water. They added coins while it was floating and counting how many it took to get the cup to flip and sink.
Wednesday: The students were able to take a look at our sensory bags and figure out what might be inside of these bags to make them look and feel the way that they do.
Thursday: We took a look at snow and what happens when it melts. What will be left after the snow melts? Hopefully this will help the children realize how dirty and filled our snow is.
Friday: They were able to take a look at buoyancy. We experimented with several different types of items and recognized which items were able to float and which sank.
Afternoon Story:
Curious George Goes Sledding by Alan Shalleck
Afternoon Table Time:
During this time, the students are able to choose from one of the table activities, snack or the sensory table.
Monday(math):numbered popsicle game and clothespins with number cards and dots.
Tuesday(fine motor): pieces of straws with string and foam stickers.
Wednesday(manipulatives): link n logs, floor puzzles and magnetic shapes.
Thursday(art/Literacy): watercolors and Dr. Seuss books
Friday(sensory): fossil search in sand and rocks and sensory bottles