Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I've Got Joy Like an Fountain

The weather this week has been wonderful! Sadly our play area is switching from ice to water and mud each day. The students love being able to play in the mud and water and slide on the ice. I want you all to know that your children will be getting dirty this week and for the weeks to come if the weather continues. When we have beautiful sunny days, I try to make sure the students have extra time outside to enjoy the weather. 

Morning Stories:
Little Owl's Night by Divya Srinivasan
The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen
I love my new toy! by Mo Willems
Journey by Aaron Becker
Snow Babies by Camilla de la Bedoyere
"My Family!"
Planning and Recall Time:
This week we have been using whiteboards and markers with the students. We write their names and the students must recognize there name on the board. In order to go play, the students must also recognize the first letter of their name. They are doing very well!

Sensory Table:
This week the students are able to 'wash dishes'. We have several different items available in the water table with soap and sponges for the students to use.

Bible Time:
This week we heard about how Jesus taught his disciples to trust him in times of trouble. We focused on Jesus walking on water. They saw him walk on water and quiet the wind and the waves. Jesus continues to show his almighty power through miracles. They were able to have a visit from Pastor Chris Ewings this Tuesday to talk more about the bible story. They even did some experimenting with items that would sink or float on top of the water. This helped the students realize the amazing power Jesus had since he could walk on water. We looked at Psalm 50:15, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you." We were able to learn this passage as our song this week. They were able to quickly pick up on the passage this way.

Movement Time:
This week the students were able to once again review the Go Car Go game. They really enjoy this activity. In warm ups the students used scarves to dance and manipulate while they were warming up their muscles for the activity. This week is circle act. The students are able to show various ways to use and move their bodies. The students have also enjoyed being able to do some dancing in the classroom during work time. We have been using Go Noodle to keep the kids active and use their bodies.

Music Time:
This week the students have been able to do an activity and learn a song through 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush' and they have been reviewing their song 'I've Got Peace Like a River' which they will be singing in church in March. They students have been able to review several previous songs and learn some fingerplays as well during music time.

Small Group Time:
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week is Natural and Physical World. The students are able to explore different activities and items throughout the week.

Monday: The students were able to experiment with magnets. They were able to go throughout the room to hunt for items that they thought would work with magnets. After experimenting, we discussed what works with a magnet and what does not.

Tuesday: We talked about water surface tension. They students were able to see and experiment with having a cup float on top of the water. They added coins while it was floating and counting how many it took to get the cup to flip and sink.
Wednesday: The students were able to take a look at our sensory bags and figure out what might be inside of these bags to make them look and feel the way that they do.

Thursday: We took a look at snow and what happens when it melts. What will be left after the snow melts? Hopefully this will help the children realize how dirty and filled our snow is.
Friday: They were able to take a look at buoyancy. We experimented with several different types of items and recognized which items were able to float and which sank.

Afternoon Story:
Curious George Goes Sledding by Alan Shalleck

Afternoon Table Time:
During this time, the students are able to choose from one of the table activities, snack or the sensory table.

Monday(math):numbered popsicle game and clothespins with number cards and dots.
Tuesday(fine motor): pieces of straws with string and foam stickers.
Wednesday(manipulatives): link n logs, floor puzzles and magnetic shapes.
Thursday(art/Literacy): watercolors and Dr. Seuss books
Friday(sensory): fossil search in sand and rocks and sensory bottles

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Isn't He Wonderful

The students enjoyed being able to have an extra stay at home day! This week was shorter than usual but the students have been full of energy and ready to learn more about our concepts this week! It has been a beautiful week for playing outside! The students have enjoyed being able to go outside another time in the afternoon after nap. 

Once again, I wanted to say thank you to all of you who came to our Family Movie Night. It was a joy to see all of you as a family and spend some time with you outside of the classroom.

Morning Stories:
Frog on a Log by Kes Gray and Jim Field
Avalanche by Michael J. Rosen
Can I play too? by Mo Willems
Looks Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw
The Foolish Tortoise by Eric Carle and Richard Buckley

Planning/Recall Time:
This week the students are using hula hoops to plan and recall. The students sit in a circle and spin the hoop with a rhyme, "Acka backa soda cracker acka backa pow, acka backa soda cracker (students name) plans/recalls now."

Sensory Table:
The students were able to play with chocolate cloud dough this week! The students were able to use cookie cutters to create various items while 'baking'.

Bible Time:
This week the students have been learning about Jesus feeding the 5,000. This lesson helps remind us of God's gracious love. He provided for those people in our story, knowing we have bodily needs. He was able to feed those people despite the difficulty. This is a great reminder that we need to rely on God to provide for our needs too. In our memory passage this week, "Give us today our daily bread" (from the Fourth Petition) we remember that he promises to give us what we need in this life. If we look at the blessings in our lives, we can easily see the love he has shown us. The students have also been learning "Isn't He Wonderful". This is great song that reminds us of all the wonderful things God has done for us.

Movement Time:
In movement this week the students have been able to continue playing the Go Car Go game. I have introduced signs into the game for the students. One sign is red and says 'STOP' and the other is green and says 'GO'. The students have to pay attention to which sign is being shown throughout the game so that they do not get in a 'car accident'. We have also been warming up with scarves this week. The students are able to dance and move throughout the warm up songs with the scarves.

Music Time:
In music, the students have been able to use shakers. We are working on keeping a steady beat. The students have been learn 'Alleluia, Praise be the Lord!' as well as 'We Are Marching in the Light of God'. The students use the shakers to keep the beat throughout Alleluia. They are also able to do some actions with the songs to get their bodies moving. 

Small Group Time:
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) this week is about the Natural and Physical World. The students are working on their 5 senses this week.

Tuesday: The students were able to look into touch. They focused on being able to describe various items using different words like: hard, soft, sticky, smooth, rough.
Wednesday: They were using touch and smell this day. The students were given a mystery basket to feel and smell the items. They had to figure out what type of item they thought was in the bag. They were also asked to describe the item.
Thursday: The students were able to taste, smell and describe fruits. They were able to use various descriptive words to complete this task.
Friday: The students had to listen and identify sounds. They were given an activity in which their eyes were closed and they needed to identify the mystery sound.

Afternoon Story:
Just Go to Bed by Mercer Mayer

Afternoon Tables:
The students can choose from snack, the sensory table or one of the table activities that are available to them.

Tuesday(Fine Motor): sorting pie with tweezers, LCR and memory matching.
Wednesday(Manipulatives): cutting out their own letters, alphabet tree matching activity and cutting yarn.
Thursday(Art/Literacy): Eric Carle books available to look at, creating a picture like Eric Carle using various art supplies 
Friday(Sensory): hair gel with beads and spoons or sensory bottles

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Jesus Loves the Little Children

The students have been very busy this week! They have been able to use new items in the art area to create cards and little gifts for people in their lives. They continue to make items for those they care about and use the valentine's theme of the items to create for their friends in the room too! The students are also excited because we have been using Go Noodle to do some new Zumba videos. The students love being able to dance with one another during work time. We also do a few silly songs and stretching through this website!
The students doing Go Noodle!
Morning Stories:
Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems
Sugar White Snow and Evergreens by Felicia Sanzari Chernesky
Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni
The Tree House that Jack Built by Bonnie Verburg and Mark Teague
A Big Guy Took My Ball by Mo Willems

Planning/Recall Time:
The students have been able to 'pass the beanbag' to plan this week. We use a jingle, "Pass and pass the beanbag, pass it pass it 'round. Pass and pass the beanbag (student's name) plans (or recalls) now!"

Sensory Table:
This week the students have been able to play in water. In the water we have two boats, penguins and some whales for the students to use! The students love being able to play in the water. This is something we have not done it a long time. 

Bible Time:
In bible this week, the students have been able to learn about Jairus' Daughter. In this lesson, the students are able to see Jesus demonstrate his almighty power. A man named Jairus came to Jesus with a plea for help. His daughter was sick and dying. Throughout their journey to see Jairus' daughter, he received news that his daughter had died. Jesus wanted the man to keep his trust in Him. He needed to believe in Jesus and His power. When they got to the house, Jesus used his almighty power to bring the daughter back to life. It is wonderful for the students to hear about God's power and how he is able to perform miracles. The students focused on John 14:19, "Because I live, you also will live." They have been singing the song 'Jesus loves the little Children.' What wonderful reminder of God's grace in our lives. *We use the Christ Light curriculum. 

Movement Time:
The students have been playing a new game this week! They have been playing Go Car Go! They have been learning what green lights, yellow lights, and red lights mean. The students are focusing on being able to listen to the directions and follow them immediately. They have to watch out for those around them and make sure to listen so that they do not get in a 'car accident.' They have had to listen to the instruction, but now the students will need to follow the signs that they see for the rest of the week. Is the sign green, yellow or red? They need to comprehend what each color is telling them to do and then demonstrate their knowledge throughout the game. *We use the SPARK curriculum.

Music Time:
In music this week, they have been focusing on phrases. They have been reviewing different songs to help them understand this concept. They have also learned a new song this week, the 'Wiggle Song.' In reviewing other songs, the students will also begin to review 'I've Got Peace Like A River' since the students will be singing in church early in March.

Small Group Time:

The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) this week is Numbers. The students have been doing various activities to help them recognize a written number.

Monday: The students went on a number hunt. The students worked as partners to be able to find the three hidden numbers in the room. They were given a written example of the number before having to search in the classroom.

Tuesday: They had to go on another number hunt, but this time the students were given magazine pages. When they found a number, they had to cut it out of the magazine and identify it.

Wednesday: They were given number cards and a pipe cleaner. The students then had to make the numbers using their pipe cleaner. This proved to be difficult for some of the numbers, but the students persevered throughout the activity.

Thursday: The students were given numbered cars. They had to find the matching 'parking spots' for these cards on a piece of paper. The numbers ranged from 1 to 20.
Friday: The students were asked to go on another number hunt in the classroom. This time the students were to do the hunt independently. They were given a number card and had to find the three matches in the classroom.

Afternoon Story: 
Franklin Plants a Tree by Paulette Bourgeois

Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose from snack, the sensory table, or one of the given activities.

Monday(Math): egg carton numbers and match the dot sticks to the written number, cut out various shapes (circle, square, rectangle and triangle)
Tuesday(Fine Motor): written names on a popsicle stick and find the matching clothespins for each letter, putting beads into various holes in a container
Wednesday(Manipulatives): straws being placed into containers through holes, link n logs and floor puzzles
Thursday(Art/Literacy): animal foot print art, lego painting, animal books
Friday(Sensory): sensory bags and oobleck!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I've Got Love Like An Ocean

The students have had a busy week! We are excited to be preparing for Family Movie Night on February 14th. I strongly encourage you all to attend this event as a family. There will be games, snacks and obviously a movie! It will be a fun time for socializing with fellow families of not only the preschool but also the grade school!
Our new hair salon!
Morning Stories:
The Snowy Rescue by M. Christina Butler
My Friend is Sad by Mo Willems
Peter's Chair by Ezra Jack Keats
The Bag I'm Taking to Grandma's by Shirley Neitzel
There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow by Lucille Colandro

Planning/Recall Time:
This week the students have been using a telescope to do their planning. They are able to look through the telescope at the various items in the classroom to be able to plan and also recall.

Sensory Table:
In the sensory table this week we have dinosaurs, volcanoes and lentils. The students have really enjoyed being able to use the dinosaurs and during work time. They can create an environment or scenery to help with their play. 

Bible Time:
Just a reminder: we use the Christ Light bible curriculum during this time. The students have been studying more about Jesus and the Paralyzed Man. God is a great blessing in this story as well as in our lives. We know that he can help heal our bodies and our souls. As it says in 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." We can always remember that we can cast any of our worries or burdens on Him who strengthens us. He will continue to provide for us each day just as he provided and blessed the paralyzed man. The students were able to review a song from September this week, 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus'. The students have also shown interest in reviewing 'I've Got Peace Like a River'.

Movement Time:
We use the SPARK curriculum for our movement time. This week the students have been focusing more on created a T for Table. They are able to successfully lift their stomachs to the sky. We have been working on stomping our feet while counting to ten in this hold position. The students have challenged themselves to lifting a hand or leg as well. This can be difficult for some, with practice the students will continue to get better!

Music Time:
During music we use the Sing and Make Music curriculum. This week we have been focusing on phrases. The students have been learning the "Eency Weency Spider." I have also introduced them to the story book that goes with the song that has several other verses and pictures to go along with the book. The students enjoy being able to add more verses to their knowledge. It is hard for them to realize the words change when each verse begins the same. We are working on this while reading the story. 

Small Group Time:
We use the HighScope Curriculum in our classroom. During small group the students focus on a KDI (Key Developmental Indicator). This week the students focused on fine motor skills. Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles. 

Monday: The students were able to use their fine motor skills by attempting to 'free' the beads from the yarn. The students had to remove the knots in the string to get the bead free. This proved to be challenging for the students but helped them show perseverance to solve the problem.
Tuesday: They were able to use stickers. This proves to be difficult for some of the students. We continue to review this concept throughout the year. 
Wednesday: The students were able to sort pom poms using clothespins. The idea of having to use a clothespin is difficult for some to do. They were able to practice this skill and do it to the best of their ability.

Thursday: The students were able to place straws into the holes of containers. They had to focus on being able to place the straw inside of the hole throughout the activity.
Friday: The students were challenged to cut various types of lines. The students worked with straight, zigzag, and wavy lines.

Afternoon Stories:
Franklin and the Birthday Party by Paulette Bourgeois
The students were able to create a ramp
using some of our toys!

Afternoon Table Activities:
During this part of the day, the students are waking up from nap. They are able to choose from snack, the table activities or the sensory table.

Monday(Math): taped shapes were on the table - students must sort actual items into the right shape.
Tuesday(Fine Motor): Sorting noodles by color with tweezers and spelling words with letter cards and clothespins.
Wednesday(Manipulatives): Magnets, ramps and a marble run.
Thursday(Art/Literacy): making a coat using buttons and various items, various letters that students must place counting bears on.
Friday(Sensory): rices with scoops and finding your letters that are hiding in the rice.