We had a very busy final week of preschool! The students were able to have a field trip to the Dome, complete projects and play with their friends. I am excited to have so many returning students next year! To those of you with children that are moving on to Kindergarten - I will keep you all in my prayers! Your children will be tremendous blessings wherever they go. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to spend so much time with your children! God is good.
Morning Stories:
Pete the Cat and his Magic Sunglasses by James and Kimberly Dean
What about Moose? by Corey Rosen Schwartz
Little Owl's Day by Divya Srinivasan
Peanut Butter and Jellyfish by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
What if you had animal ears?! by Sandra Markle
Planning/Recall Time:
This week the students were able to do one of their favorites for planning and recall time - acka backa! The students are able to use hula hoops to rotate in a circle. When a students hands landed on the tape on the hula hoop it was their turn to plan. We say the words, "acka backa soda cracker, acka backa pow, acka backa soda cracker (student's name) plans now!"
Sensory Table:
The sensory table was open a little bit this week. They were able to use water and measuring cups and spoons. The students enjoyed being able to end the year using water!
Bible Time:
This week the students are focusing on how Jesus is our Good Shepherd. We have been discussing the job of a shepherd, to take care of his sheep. Jesus is our Good Shepherd because he does the same thing for us. Despite our mistakes or wandering away from Him, He continues to find us and love us. He will continue to provide and take care of us each day. We have reviewed 'I am Jesus Little Lamb' as our song this week. The students have enjoyed being able to sing this song once again. We have focused on Matthew 28:20, " I am with you always." What a blessing to know that He will be with us wherever we go. A wonderful way to end our school year!
Movement Time:
During movement time this week, the students have been able to play various games from throughout the year. This week they played the sleeping animal game and freeze tag. Due to the field trip and toddler time taking place this week - the students only had movement twice. They enjoyed being able to play these games when possible.
Music Time:
The students were able to choose what songs they wanted to review this week during music time. They were able to choose songs and fingerplays. They enjoyed being able to sing these songs and have control over which ones were going to be sung. They are a big fan of student's choice!
Small Group Time:
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week was shapes. The students were able to do various activities having to do with shapes. Due to the field trip and picnic - the students only had two days of activities!
Monday- The students had to find hidden shapes in the classroom. They enjoyed being able to race around the classroom to find the 20 red shapes that were hidden. Students had to identify which shapes were hiding in the classroom.
Tuesday- We had our field trip to the Dome.
Wednesday- We were able to have small group outside! The students were able to throw water balloons at shapes drawn on the walls. The students were asked to find a certain shape and to throw the balloons on the target.
Thursday- We are having our school picnic!
Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose from snack, the sensory table or one of the table activities.
Monday(Math)- geoboards, numbered popsicles, and numbered cars with assigned parking spots.
Tuesday(Fine Motor)- hole punchers and beaded necklaces to keep.
Wednesday(Manipulatives)- student's choice!
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
One More Week!
Only one week left of preschool! This school year has gone by very quickly. I encourage you to talk to your children about preschool ending and moving into summer vacation. Some of you have a child going into kindergarten; I suggest reminding them that they will attend a new classroom next year. Transitions can be hard for students at this age! I am very excited to have our final week with the kids. We have many fun activities planned for them! I am sad that some of you will not be in our classroom next year but I know your children will be blessings wherever they go!
Morning Stories:
Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Lutwin
Wild About Us! by Karen Beaumont
Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pena
Waiting is NOT Easy by Mo Willems
The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli
Planning and Recall Time:
This week the students had to work on listening during planning and recall time. The teachers would say the first sound of a student's name. When they recognized it as their own they would then plan or recall. Throughout the planning and recall we would whisper so that the students really had to focus on listening to their friends in the group.
Sensory Table:
The students were able to play with water in the sensory table this week. In the table were foam blocks that stick together when they are wet. The students were able to build and create things in the sensory table.
Bible Time:
They were able to hear the story of Zacchaeus this week. Jesus loved Zacchaeus and took the time to go to his home and tell him the good news of salvation. Jesus also loves and cares for us. Through Jesus we are able to have his promise of salvation one day. The students were able to have a visit from Pastor Chris Ewings this week for the bible lesson. They focused on 1 Timothy 1:15, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." The song for this week was called ' Zacchaeus' and told the bible story in song form. The students enjoyed being able to learn the song following the bible story. It helped them to better remember the story and understand what happened.
Movement Time:
This week the students were able to focus on reviewing their locomotor movements. We played several games this week to help them review these movements such as: Sleeping Animals, Can you...? and student's choice. They were able to help choose games that we have played throughout the school year to help them review the locomotor movements.
Music Time:
This week we have our musical on Friday at UAA. The students are very excited. We have been reviewing our songs and we introduced the kazoos that the students will be playing during their performance. They are very excited to be able to use this instrument and keep it once our performance is complete! I look forward to seeing you all at the performance.
Small Group Time:
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week is fine motor. The students will be doing several different activities to help them review concepts from throughout the year.
Monday- The students were able to sort pompoms by color using tweezers. Colored cups were placed throughout the classroom and the students had to use the tweezers to pick up a pompom and move it to the correct cup.
Tuesday- They were able to use beads and pipe cleaners. This proves to be difficult for some. They are able to take their time and focus on the task. If students were up for the challenge, they were able to create patterns with their beads as well.
Wednesday- The students were able to use pop beads to connect and create various items.
Thursday- They were able to work on table puzzles and floor puzzles. Puzzles seem to be challenging for some students. They are able to work together to help create the bigger picture!
Friday- The students are able to build with toothpicks and marshmallows. They had to work on placing the marshmallows and toothpicks in the proper spots to help their creation stand.
Afternoon Story:
I Wanna Go Home by Karen Kaufman Orloff
Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose from the table activities, snack or the sensory table in the afternoon.
Monday(Math)- finger print caterpillars (can you put the right amount of dots next to the number?) and placing the right amount of buttons with the correct number.
Tuesday(Fine Motor)- making mini lego towers and placing stickers on their written names.
Wednesday(Manipulatives)- the students had to sort various items by color.
Thursday(Art/Literacy)- outdoor splatter painting and chalk to write their names and letters.
Friday(Sensory)- dish soap silly putty and sensory bottles
Morning Stories:
Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Lutwin
Wild About Us! by Karen Beaumont
Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pena
Waiting is NOT Easy by Mo Willems
The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli
Planning and Recall Time:
This week the students had to work on listening during planning and recall time. The teachers would say the first sound of a student's name. When they recognized it as their own they would then plan or recall. Throughout the planning and recall we would whisper so that the students really had to focus on listening to their friends in the group.
Sensory Table:
The students were able to play with water in the sensory table this week. In the table were foam blocks that stick together when they are wet. The students were able to build and create things in the sensory table.
Bible Time:
They were able to hear the story of Zacchaeus this week. Jesus loved Zacchaeus and took the time to go to his home and tell him the good news of salvation. Jesus also loves and cares for us. Through Jesus we are able to have his promise of salvation one day. The students were able to have a visit from Pastor Chris Ewings this week for the bible lesson. They focused on 1 Timothy 1:15, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." The song for this week was called ' Zacchaeus' and told the bible story in song form. The students enjoyed being able to learn the song following the bible story. It helped them to better remember the story and understand what happened.
Movement Time:
This week the students were able to focus on reviewing their locomotor movements. We played several games this week to help them review these movements such as: Sleeping Animals, Can you...? and student's choice. They were able to help choose games that we have played throughout the school year to help them review the locomotor movements.
Music Time:
This week we have our musical on Friday at UAA. The students are very excited. We have been reviewing our songs and we introduced the kazoos that the students will be playing during their performance. They are very excited to be able to use this instrument and keep it once our performance is complete! I look forward to seeing you all at the performance.
Small Group Time:
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week is fine motor. The students will be doing several different activities to help them review concepts from throughout the year.
Monday- The students were able to sort pompoms by color using tweezers. Colored cups were placed throughout the classroom and the students had to use the tweezers to pick up a pompom and move it to the correct cup.
Tuesday- They were able to use beads and pipe cleaners. This proves to be difficult for some. They are able to take their time and focus on the task. If students were up for the challenge, they were able to create patterns with their beads as well.
Wednesday- The students were able to use pop beads to connect and create various items.
Thursday- They were able to work on table puzzles and floor puzzles. Puzzles seem to be challenging for some students. They are able to work together to help create the bigger picture!
Friday- The students are able to build with toothpicks and marshmallows. They had to work on placing the marshmallows and toothpicks in the proper spots to help their creation stand.
Afternoon Story:
I Wanna Go Home by Karen Kaufman Orloff
Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose from the table activities, snack or the sensory table in the afternoon.
Monday(Math)- finger print caterpillars (can you put the right amount of dots next to the number?) and placing the right amount of buttons with the correct number.
Tuesday(Fine Motor)- making mini lego towers and placing stickers on their written names.
Wednesday(Manipulatives)- the students had to sort various items by color.
Thursday(Art/Literacy)- outdoor splatter painting and chalk to write their names and letters.
Friday(Sensory)- dish soap silly putty and sensory bottles
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
To God Be The Glory
The students are continuing to prepare for the school musical next Friday. They are very excited to sing these songs, act them out and even wear fun outfits! (More information soon!) They have been working very hard to prepare these songs and I cannot wait for you the hear them.
Morning Stories:
Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too by Anna Dewdney
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin
A Stick is An Excellent Thing by LeUyen Pham
Peanut Butter and Cupcake by Terry Border
Ribbit! By Rodrigo Folgueira
Planning and Recall Time:
The students have been using the telephones to plan and recall this week. They are asked to recognize who the phone is calling for. The teacher will say, "This phone call is for someone whose name starts with this sound *make first letter sound*" The students enjoy being able to recognize their beginning sound and plan or recall.
Sensory Table:
The students were able to have straw pieces and string in the sensory table. They were able to create patterns and play with the pieces of straw.
Bible Time:
This week the students have been learning about Philip and the Ethiopian. In this story, the students are able to recognize the excitement of Philip to share God's Word with the Ethiopian. We were able to talk about how God wants us to use our words and actions to show who we are and what we believe. God used someone in our lives to tell us about Jesus. By grace we have come to believe in Jesus as our Savior - we should share this gift with others! The students looked at Matthew 28:19, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." This week the students were able to learn 'To God Be the Glory' as their Bible song.
Movement Time:
This week the students were able to use ropes to create letters. Using this rope, the students were able to perform several gross motor skills on the ropes and as their warm up this week. The students have been able to use the SPARK warm up CD as part of their movement time. This CD has several different songs for the students to listen to and perform the given actions.
Music Time:
During music time this week the students have been able to focus on perfecting their songs for the spring school musical. They are getting very excited to perform these songs with the actions. They will be dressed up for the occasion - but more information about that will be shared at a later date.
Small Group Time:
This week for small group the students are focusing on a KDI about geography. This week is different than most weeks - the students will be learning specifically about Africa. I was able to go on a mission trip during college to Africa to teach bible stories, songs and crafts to the children of Malawi. The students have been able to see the wooden items that were made by hand, see videos and sing songs with the children from Malawi, paint their own wooden item, learn about the culture and the language (Chichewa) and use playdoh to create animals that live in Africa.
Afternoon Story:
Franklin says I Love You by Paulette Bourgeois
Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose from snack, the sensory table and one of the table activities following rest time.
Monday(Math): Sort it Out!(books) and blocks for building and sorting.
Tuesday(Fine Motor): stickers, crazy patterned scissors.
Wednesday(Manipulatives): stamps, paints and playdoh.
Thursday(Art/Literacy): giant link n logs and kid's choice day!(students are able to choose what they would like on the tables as options.
Friday(Sensory): bubbles and floam.
Morning Stories:
Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too by Anna Dewdney
Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin
A Stick is An Excellent Thing by LeUyen Pham
Peanut Butter and Cupcake by Terry Border
Ribbit! By Rodrigo Folgueira
Planning and Recall Time:
The students have been using the telephones to plan and recall this week. They are asked to recognize who the phone is calling for. The teacher will say, "This phone call is for someone whose name starts with this sound *make first letter sound*" The students enjoy being able to recognize their beginning sound and plan or recall.
Sensory Table:
The students were able to have straw pieces and string in the sensory table. They were able to create patterns and play with the pieces of straw.
Bible Time:
This week the students have been learning about Philip and the Ethiopian. In this story, the students are able to recognize the excitement of Philip to share God's Word with the Ethiopian. We were able to talk about how God wants us to use our words and actions to show who we are and what we believe. God used someone in our lives to tell us about Jesus. By grace we have come to believe in Jesus as our Savior - we should share this gift with others! The students looked at Matthew 28:19, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." This week the students were able to learn 'To God Be the Glory' as their Bible song.
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The students get very excited about Zumba (dancing time)! |
This week the students were able to use ropes to create letters. Using this rope, the students were able to perform several gross motor skills on the ropes and as their warm up this week. The students have been able to use the SPARK warm up CD as part of their movement time. This CD has several different songs for the students to listen to and perform the given actions.
Music Time:
During music time this week the students have been able to focus on perfecting their songs for the spring school musical. They are getting very excited to perform these songs with the actions. They will be dressed up for the occasion - but more information about that will be shared at a later date.
Small Group Time:
This week for small group the students are focusing on a KDI about geography. This week is different than most weeks - the students will be learning specifically about Africa. I was able to go on a mission trip during college to Africa to teach bible stories, songs and crafts to the children of Malawi. The students have been able to see the wooden items that were made by hand, see videos and sing songs with the children from Malawi, paint their own wooden item, learn about the culture and the language (Chichewa) and use playdoh to create animals that live in Africa.
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Another student excited about Zumba dancing time! |
Franklin says I Love You by Paulette Bourgeois
Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose from snack, the sensory table and one of the table activities following rest time.
Monday(Math): Sort it Out!(books) and blocks for building and sorting.
Tuesday(Fine Motor): stickers, crazy patterned scissors.
Wednesday(Manipulatives): stamps, paints and playdoh.
Thursday(Art/Literacy): giant link n logs and kid's choice day!(students are able to choose what they would like on the tables as options.
Friday(Sensory): bubbles and floam.
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