Morning Stories:
Chicka Chicka 1 2 3 by Bill Martin Jr.
Pigeon Finds a Hotdog by Mo Willems
The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Dieson
If you give a dog a donut by Laura Numeroff
Ish by Peter Reynolds
This week the students enjoyed making cell phones
with the tiny legos.
Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum):
This week, the students heard the story of Abraham and Sarah. Our passage this week was 1 John 3:2, "Beloved, we are God's children now." In this story, they were able to hear about a promise. We were able to explain to the students what a promise is and how when God makes a promise, we can be sure that He will follow through. In the story, God promised Abraham that one day - he would have the Savior born from his family. God told Abraham that he would be blessed with a son. However, Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old and did not think it was possible to have a baby. God made a promise to them and sure enough, at the end of the story we saw that God followed through! He blessed Abraham and Sarah with the birth of their son, Isaac. What a blessing it is to know that God follows through on His promises. He promised to send His son, Jesus, to save us. Once again, He followed through on His promise. Now we can look forward to the day that He follows through on another promise - to bring us to heaven one day. What a joy it is to hear this message! The students were able to learn a song called, 'My God is SO Great!'.
Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum):
The focus of our movement lessons this week is jumping! The students have been playing several different games to help them with this concept. As usual, the students are able to begin their movement time with stretching and several movements songs to get their muscles ready for the activity ahead. They have enjoyed being able to play different games while using their bodies to jump!
Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum):
This week, the students have been learning more about long and short sounds in music. They have been reviewing several different songs for this concept and have focused on 'White Sand' to help solidify the concept. Outside of the usual lesson this week, the students have been preparing 'Jesus Loves Me' for Sunday. The students will be singing the song during our church services at Faith Lutheran. They are very excited to share this song with parents, family and friends! It is a blessing to be able to see the joy on their face while they sing and perform the actions to this song!
Small Group Time (HighScope Curriculum):
This week the students have been focused on the letter D. In our Alaskan alphabet, the animal for the letter D is a Dall Sheep. Along with the letter D, the students are using a math KDI (key developmental indicator).
Monday- the students were able to make a design on a big and small letter D using colored pencils. The students were encouraged to draw several different shapes during this activity.
Tuesday- they were able to create a pattern using dot stickers. The students were able to freely do this activity without having to stick to a certain pattern.
Wednesday- the students used dot markers to create a pattern. This time the students had a set pattern they needed to create using the dot markers.
Friday- the students were able to complete an activity based on our story Chicka Chicka 1 2 3. They were able to place dot stickers with numbers in the proper spot on the tree!
Planning and Recall Time (HighScope Curriculum):
The students were able to repeat the activity from last week. 'Pass and pass the beanbag, pass it pass it round. Pass and pass the beanbag ______ plans now!'
Sensory Table:
The students used sand with measuring cups, spoons and funnels this week! They have enjoyed being able to fill and empty the items in the sensory table.
Afternoon Table Actvities:
The students can choose from the sensory table, snack or one of the afternoon activities.
Monday(Math): numbered muffin tins with flower beads.
Tuesday(Fine Motor): stickers and tape art project.
Wednesday(Manipulatives): FLOAM
Thursday(Art&Litearcy): books on dogs and painting with toothbrushes.