As the weather continues to change, the children are enjoying spending their time outside! They are very excited to play in the snow each day. They are also very excited for the Trunk or Treat event that is happening at Faith on Friday the 28th of October. Bring your friends and family to this safe environment for trick or treating, games, pumpkin painting and more! It will take place at Faith Lutheran from 5-8pm. We hope to see you there.
Morning Stories:
Click, Clack, Peep! by Doreen Cronin
I wish you more by Amy Krause Rosenthal
Otis and the Scarecrow by Loren Long
Who goes there? by Karma Wilson
My New Friend is SO Fun by Mo Willems
Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum):
In our bible story this week, the students are able to hear about how God takes care of His people. God alone shows His strength and power to all in the parting of the Red Sea. He was able to wash away the enemies and save the people. For us, we face different enemies today. Our enemies are sin, death and the power of the devil. We are constantly feeling a weight from these enemies. God provides a way out. He washes away our sins and saves us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God is always with us and will take care of us. He knows our every need and understands our weaknesses. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. We should trust in Him and know that nothing is impossible with His help. We have focused on 'I've Got Peace Like a River' this week as our bible song. We will continue to add verses on in the weeks to come.
Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum):
This week they are able to look at different pathways (curvy, zig-zag and straight). Students are working on performing various locomotor movements on these types of pathways. We taped the pathways on the carpet for movement and the students must work to stay on the path as best as possible. They continue to warm their bodies up for movement time through various songs in the SPARK curriculum.
Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum):
Tempo has been the focus for this week as well. The students are adding more instruments and songs to help them better understand the concept of tempo. They have learned 'Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush' as their song this week. They can focus on fast and slow tempo in this song. They also review songs from the previous weeks and use shakers to help keep a steady beat while singing the songs.
Small Group Time (HighScope Curriculum):
Each week the students focus on a new letter or a new artist! This week the students are back to a letter. They have been learning about the letter G. In our Alaskan alphabet, the letter G represents gold. The KDI (key developmental indicator) this week has been patterns.
Monday- introduction to the letter G. The students were able to create a pattern on their upper and lowercase G's.
Tuesday- the students were able to list several different items that started with the letter g. They also made patterns using linking cubes.
Wednesday- they were able to create a pattern using legos. Each group used one other color and the color green.
Thursday- the students were able to create an art project using patterns and things that start with the letter G: glitter, green, g stickers!
Friday- The students created a pattern using their names this week!
Planning and Recall Time (HighScope Curriculum):
This week the students have been able to pass and pass the pumpkin for planning and recall time! They have enjoyed being able to use a new item that reflects the time of year. They pass and pass it around in a circle until all of the students have been able to plan/recall.
Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose between snack and the afternoon table activities this week.
Monday(Math): number puzzles, dominoes and blocks
Tuesday(Fine Motor): tweezers with a colored sorting pie, colored pencils and crazy scissors
Wednesday(Manipulatives): duplo blocks and floor puzzles
Thursday(Art & Literacy): painting a pumpkin on paper with legos
Friday(Sensory): corn tub with farming items
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
My times are in Your hands
The students were able to start off the week with a visit from the Anchorage Fire Department. The firemen were able to talk to them about fire safety. They were able to see the firemen in all of their gear, hear a smoke detector go off, practice stop drop and roll, and crawl under 'smoke' (a tarp). After learning more about fire safety the students were able to check out two fire trucks outside. While were outside on of the trucks got called on an emergency. The students were able to see what happens when a call for help comes to the firefighters! They looked at several items on the firetruck and even crawled inside to take a closer look! The students had a blast being able to do this!
Morning Stories:
The Duckling gets a cookie?! by Mo Willems
Giggle, Giggle Quack! by Doreen Cronin
Clark the Shark: Afraid of the Dark by Bruce Hale
The Biggest Apple Ever by Steven Kroll
The Adventures of Beekle by Dan Santat
Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum):
The students heard the story of Moses this week. They were able to see the importance of being able to trust God with their futures. It shows us how families are part of God's plan for our well-being. Scary and sad things happen, but with God's power we are safe and protected. All our bible stories this year will point us to one thing, our Savior. Our God is a God of surprises, and He has a loving plan for our lives. Even when things become difficult or bad things happen, He is there for us. As it says in Psalm 31:15, "My times are in Your hands" we can rest assured that God will continue to watch over us and keep us in His loving arms.
Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum):
Students are focusing on different pathways this week. The best way to describe this is by using different lines for the students. We have curvy, zig-zag and straight. The students have been doing several activities that help them understand the difference between each pathway. They have been doing a warm up song to help get their bodies moving. They have also worked on their stretching of their muscles before doing the set concept for the day. They are doing a great job of listening to the instructions they are given by the teacher and the CD during the warm-up songs.
Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum):
This week, the concept the students are focusing on is tempo. The students have been learning about the different types of tempos that a song can have. While learning this concept, the students have been singing 'Did you ever see a turtle?' and 'Head and shoulders'. These songs have been very helpful for the students who are struggling with the concept this week. They have to listen careful to their teacher as they are singing the song.
Small Group Time (HighScope Curriculum):
This week the students are learning about a new artist: Wassily Kandinsky. They are hearing about abstract art. They have been able to do several activities and projects that are similar to Kandinsky's pieces. They have focused on 'Squares with Concentric Circles' created in 1913.
Monday- The students were introduced to our artist for the week. We were able to review what an artist is. The students were able to created layered circles (similar to Kandinsky's work) with several colors.
Tuesday- They saw more of Kandinsky's pieces and saw the different shapes he puts into his art. They traced several different shapes and colored them to create a picture.
Wednesday- They were given a chart of squares to create circles or color in the squares with a variety of watercolor paints.
Thursday- The students colored a variety of triangles with different markers. Then they cut the triangles out for the project on Friday.
Friday- They were able to create a layered triangle project using the items that they cut out on Thursday.
Planning and Recall Time (HighScope Curriculum):
This week the students were asked to once again recognize their written name on a piece of paper. After recognizing, the students were able to plan or recall before work time.
Afternoon Table Activities:
They are able to choose from one of the table activities, snack or the water table! This week the water table was not available to the students.
Monday(Math): painting numbers with paintbrushes.
Tuesday(Fine Motor): creating pumpkins with beads and pipe cleaners, matching colored clothespins to the right name and connectors.
Wednesday(Manipulatives): the game LCR and Candyland.
Thursday(Art and Literacy): using straws to blow paint on paper and Fairytale books.
Friday(Sensory): No activities due to the half day of school.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
I am with you
This week the students have tried to enjoy the sunshine as much as possible! As the temperatures continue to drop, the students are excited for it to snow! We have several fun and exciting things coming up in preschool! They will be having a visit from the Fire Department on Monday of next week. The students are excited to learn more about fire safety. At the end of October we will be having our Trunk or Treat event at Faith! Invite your friends and family to join us for a safe environment for trick or treating.
Morning Stories:
Let's Do Nothing! by Tony Fucile
This is a Moose by Richard Morris
Don't let the pigeon stay up late by Mo Willems
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? by Viviana Garofol
The Scarecrow's Hat by Ken Brown
Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum):
We are all unique. Each of us have our own families in the preschool classroom. But all the families have something in common. We are all sinners and in need of God's love and mercy. It is true for us today as it was true for Joseph and his family. Joseph was part of a large family, but his father had singled him out as the favorite. This caused tension for the other brothers in the family. When the brothers saw their father favoring Joseph, they became angry. Joseph was sent away by his brothers. But later in life, Joseph chose to forgive his brothers. We can learn from him. Despite being wronged, Joseph chose to forgive his brothers for what they had done. Just as Christ forgave us for our sins, we should forgive those who have wronged us in life! How important it is to teach forgiveness to the people in our lives. As it says in Genesis 28:15, "God says, I am with you." What a blessing to know that despite the mistakes we make, we have the love of Christ with us each day.
Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum):This week the students have focused on hopping as their new concept. They have been able to use the warm up songs to dance and move their bodies. They continue to do stretching before the main activity. They have been playing several games that incorporate several different movements. They have reviewed previous concepts and focused on their new movement, hopping. The students have enjoyed being able to show their skill in hopping throughout the movement time.
Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum):
They have been learning more about keeping a steady beat in music this week. They have been able to tap the ground, their lap and clap their lands. They have used several different ways to show how to keep a steady beat. They have used 'Twinkle, Twinkle' and 'If you're happy and you know it' as their songs this week. With these songs, they have also reviewed previous songs from the beginning of the year. They enjoy being able to sing and move their bodies while having music time. As they learn about keeping a steady beat, the students are able to move about and use their bodies to keep the beat.
Small Group Time (HighScope Curriculum):
The students have been looking at the letter F this week. We use an Alaskan alphabet for the students, this week we have a picture of fireweed! The KDI (key developmental indicator) for this week is writing.
Monday- they were able to learn about the letter F and use a picture of it to work on writing straight lines.
Tuesday- the students worked on tracing dotted lines of words such as fall, fire, fish, fireweed and foot.
Wednesday- they were able to make letters using their fingers and trays of salt!
Thursday- fall art project using leaves! Just wait till you see the finished product.
Friday- chalk outside while practicing letters.
Planning and Recall Time (HighScope Curriculum):
Since the students are working on writing this week, they were asked to recognize their written name as it was pulled from a bag! The students did a great job of showing a quiet thumb when it was their name. After recognizing their name, the students were able to plan or recall.
Sensory Table:
In the sensory table this week, the students are able to play with a variety of beans. With the beans the students have measuring cups and funnels.
Afternoon Table Activities:
The students are able to choose from the sensory table, snack and a table activity.
Monday(Math)- numbered popsicles, muffin tins with numbers and pompoms
Tuesday(Fine Motor)- colored noodles with string, sorting pie with tweezers
Wednesday(Manipulatives)- memory game, giant foam floor puzzle, giant link n logs
Thursday(Art&Literacy)- finger painting and National Geographic for Kids magazines
Friday(Sensory)- tubs of corn and beans
Monday(Math)- numbered popsicles, muffin tins with numbers and pompoms
Tuesday(Fine Motor)- colored noodles with string, sorting pie with tweezers
Wednesday(Manipulatives)- memory game, giant foam floor puzzle, giant link n logs
Thursday(Art&Literacy)- finger painting and National Geographic for Kids magazines
Friday(Sensory)- tubs of corn and beans
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
I've Got the Joy!
Thank you so much to all of you who came to church on Sunday! The students that were able to attend sounded beautiful! It is such a blessing to be able to have the students show what they have been learning these past few weeks.
Morning Stories:
Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds
The Pout Pout Fish and the Deep Deep Dark by Deborah Diesen
Pigeon Wants a Puppy by Mo Willems
The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle
The Dot by Peter Reynolds
Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum):
This week the focus has been on Jacob's Troubles. Throughout all the twists and turns in Jacob's life, God's love and forgiveness remained constant. God promised to be with Jacob during his journey. Jacob's life was anchored in God's promise. He was thankful that God was present in his life. By God's grace, Jacob was able to rest assure that he would be safe and loved all the days of his life. God promises the same thing for us! Even though we make mistakes in our lives, God will be there for us. He will continue to keep us close to Him and safe in His arms. As it says in our passage for the week from Joshua 1:9, "God is with you wherever you go." We can rest assured that this promises are true for us as well. The students have been able to learn a new song this week, I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart! They enjoy being able to sing these words easily after the first day and preform the actions.
Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum):
The students have been working on galloping this week. They have enjoyed being able start their movement sessions with different warm up activity songs. They are able to listen to the songs and follow instructions. They have played several different games helping to implement the concept of galloping. It can be difficult for students to learn this concept. They will continue to practice galloping throughout the year.
Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum):
In music time this week, the students have been learning about keeping a steady beat. In order to help them better understand this concept while singing their songs, they have been using egg shakers! They have enjoyed singing Seesaw Margery Daw and Hickery Dickery Dock! They can use the shakers throughout the lessons to keep a steady beat. They have also used clapping this week to help them keep a steady beat while singing various songs.
Small Group Time (HighScope Curriculum):
The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week is classifying. They have also been working on the letter E. The students do a mixture of activities to relate to the KDI and the letter of the week.
Monday- The students were able to take various shapes with different colors and create an upper and lower case letter E.
Tuesday- They were able to go on an egg hunt in the classroom. Once they found the eggs, the students had to classify the eggs by color. They were able to place the egg on the proper colored square on the carpet.
Wednesday- Students were able to classify shapes by size (big and small) and color (red, green, yellow, blue).
Thursday- The students had to classify items by their size (long and short) using our rulers! They were able to place them into separate groups.
Friday- They were able to create the earth using different shapes of green and blue tissue squares.
Planning and Recall Time (HighScope Curriculum):
The students were able to do a microphone interview this week. They were able to take turns using the microphone and share what their plan was for work time. At the end of work time, the students were able to use the microphones again to talk about what they did during work time.
Sensory Table:
This week, we have lentils and dinosaurs in the sensory table. The students are able to play and create different scenarios for the dinosaurs while using the sensory table.
Afternoon Table Activities:
After rest time, the students are able to choose from various activities at the tables, snack time or using the sensory table.
Monday(Math)- white boards to trace and write numbers, numbered popsicles and connectors.
Tuesday(Fine Motor)- bead with numbered cards and pipecleaners.
Wednesday(Manipulatives): tracing numbers and letters to create words.
Thursday(Art&Literacy): finger painting letters.
Friday(Sensory): playdoh
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The Alaska Zoo visited us last Friday! They brought in flying squirrels. |
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