Monday, May 6, 2019

"I am with you always"

There's nothing my God cannot do!

We are in our last month of school? How crazy is that! Our kids are working hard to prepare for Mother's Day as well as our spring performance that is NEXT WEEK... They are working SO hard... I can't wait for you all to see "Chicken Little" and "Ten on the Sled" 

Due to our activities and practices taking place this week, our schedule will be a little bit different. Our students will still have bible, movement and small group this week... but music time will be replaced by play practice! We will be using our costumes and props this week, so be sure to bring them to school.

Bible Time (One in Christ)
He has won the victory for us by His death and resurrection, we will receive glory! Even though our Savior ascended into heaven, we know that one day we will get to join Him. We will not know when that day will come... but we do know that the Father will welcome us with the words "well done, good and faithful servant" and the saints and angels will rejoice. You can find our story on your handout or in Acts 1:6-11.

Our discovery points this week:

Law: Sometimes our actions and words don't show and tell about the love of Jesus

Gospel: Jesus forgives our sins and promises He will come back to earth and take us with Him to heaven.

Sanctification: Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can share the message of Jesus' love and salvation with everyone.

Our Bible Passage & Song:

This week we will look at Matthew 28:20, "[Jesus said] I am with you always"... we will continue working on "My God is so Great" as our song this week.

Small Group (High Scope)
Our KDI's (key developmental indicators) this week will be number words and symbols: Children recognize and use number words and symbols. We will also work on counting.

Monday: counting bears with picture cards.
Tuesday: creating our Mother's Day project.
Wednesday: string, noodles and number cards.
Thursday: going on a number hunt in the classroom and creating a 1-20 number line.
Friday: cutting our the number to represent how old we are.

Movement (Spark)
Our students will be working on running this week! If the week continues to be rainy or wet outside, we will implement ribbon dancing and parachute play. 

Play Practice
As you know, we will be performing "Chicken Little" and "Ten on the Sled" for our spring performance this year. I will be honest with you, "Ten on the Sled" is going great! "Chicken Little" needs a bit more practice. Our students our struggling to listen to the story and act out the words. We will continue working on our performances. Be sure to have your child's costume at school tomorrow so that we can start practicing with these items! They can be a distraction at first... so it's always good to practice :)

Teacher Appreciation
THANK YOU SO MUCH for our door decorations... I loved being able to read through what each child said. It looks AMAZING in our hallway. Special shout out to those who created the door decor! We are so grateful.