Sunday, June 2, 2013

Building Committee Progress Report

It has been a little over 3 weeks since we confirmed our intention with the Municipality of Anchorage to enter into an agreement to install a fire sprinkler system within our facility so that we can continue expanding our ministry here.   Here are some highlights of what the Building Committee has been working on since then:

The 45 day Administrative Site Plan review that was going to be required by the MOA was waived after further research and help from one of our members.  This was very helpful.

 An asbuilt survey of the property was completed so that we can close out the ADA ramp permit from 2000.

We have entered into an agreement with Chris Cole and 61 North Architects to develop a floor plan for the Early Childhood Education Program (aka preschool).

We have thoroughly reviewed the floor plan with the ECE committee and have come to a consensus on the layout of the preschool area.

We are just about complete with the documents needed to submit for a building permit.

Andy Zanto and others have been clearing the area of all belongings and have been removing items that can be removed.

We are still looking for that one person that can take charge and lead the volunteers during our upcoming work days.  Materials and overall direction will be provided.  Building Committee will still participate and be the overall decision-making authority.

Excavation work will begin soon to repair the sewer at the southeast corner of the building.  A required permit from AWWU will be purchased in order to perform this work.

We have also entered into an agreement with a civil engineer (Steve Pannone) to design the new water line and associated site plans.

We are fairly close to selecting a sprinkler contractor to work with us on designing the sprinkler installation.  This will be the next phase, which will be commencing this fall.

RSA Engineering has been diligently working on the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical design drawings for the preschool renovation project.

We are still in need of material gifts (i.e. sheetrock, paint, flooring, cabinets, etc), service gifts (i.e. concrete cutting, painting, flooring installation, electrical work, etc), volunteer workday help, etc – see other blog posts for further information.

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