March 1 - "Raising a Healthy Preschooler" Workshop; 9:30AM-1:30PM
March 8-16 - Spring break; no preschool (noon dismissal at 12 on Friday, February 7th)
Morning Books
"The Little Red Hen" by Paul Galdone
"Find a Cow Now!" by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel
"Under the Baobob Tree" by Julie Stiegemeyer
This week at planning time, we turned the lights off and used a flashlight to shine on the area in which we wanted to work at Work Time. Part of supporting children at planning and recall time includes providing props or games which help maintain children's interests. Adults converse with children about work-time experiences - inviting children to talk about what they have done, commenting on their play, and asking open-ended questions.
The Israelites had been delivered from the hand of the Egyptians and were now on their way to the land that God promised to give them. However, after journeying for a while, the Israelites began to complain to Moses and Aaron. They were tired of walking and they were hungry. They said, "In Egypt, at least we had food. But you have brought us into this desert to die." The Lord knew his people were complaining and he showed his love for them by sending bread from heaven called manna, and small birds called quail in the evening. The Israelites were to gather as much as they needed for one day. Each day God provided for their needs, and the Israelites had plenty of food to eat. God also provides us our "daily bread" when he supplies things like food and drink, clothes, shelter and many other blessings in our earthly lives.
In Music this week we begin to explore the concept of pitch. The children have previously explored how two sounds can be either the same or different and this week the specific concept of high and low pitches is explored. With the song "Simon Sings", we use hand motions and body movements while singing high and low sounds, and we also use instruments to produce high and low sounds.
This week we warm up with the songs "Hokey Pokey" and "Caterpillars to Butterflies". Our movement lesson this week is an introduction to balloons. We practice holding on to our balloons as we tap them to different body parts, balance them between our legs, and reach them up in the air. We also enjoyed creating static electricity and making the balloons stick to our shirts without using our hands to hold them there! We finished Movement Time with the song "Keep it Up!" where we practiced keeping our balloons in the air using various body parts.
This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicators (KDI): Observing and Experimenting. To meet the KDI this week, we playing with a variety of materials that test our senses. We use our hands to observe and play with Oobleck, we experiment with various objects to test what sinks and floats, we use our eyes to watch reactions when various liquids are mixed with baking soda, and we use our hands and eyes to pour multiple liquids into a clear bottle and watch the denser liquids fall to the bottom, creating layers.
Playing in the moon sand |
The tired puppy and her owner |
Working together to put an alphabet puzzle together |
Balloons! |
Playing with the sticky Oobleck |
Reading a story before we go outside |
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