Monday, March 3, 2014

Newsletter 3/5/14

Important Dates to Remember:
March 7 - Noon dismissal for all students
March 8-16 - Spring break; no preschool 

Morning Books
"Dilly-Dally and the Nine Secrets" by Elizabeth MacDonald
"A Pocket for Corduroy" by Don Freeman
"Stick" by Andy Pritchett

Afternoon Books
"Lifetime - The Amazing Numbers in Animal Lives" by Lola Schaefer

During planning time, children make initial plans and then often modify their plans as they play. Children construct new ideas and encounter unforeseen problems as they play. Therefore, planning is a flexible process that occurs both before and during the play sequence and involves imagination, deliberation, and ongoing modifications. Children picked numbers this week, and when their number was spun on a spinner, they could share their plans.

In our Bible lesson this week we jump ahead a number of years. Moses is no longer leading the Israelites. Instead, a man named Joshua is in charge. In order to make the land of Canaan their own, the Israelites had to capture and defeat cities in Canaan. One of these cities was named Jericho. The inhabitants of Jericho anticipated the Israelites' attack, so they closed the city gate and prepared. God told Joshua the special plan for defeating the city of Jericho. The Isrealites would march around the city once a day for six days. The priests leading the march blew on their trumpets but nobody else spoke a word. They did this for six days and on the seventh day they walked around the city seven times. On the seventh time around the city the priests blew the trumpets longer and Joshua gave the command to shout! The Isrealites all let out a great shout with the blast of the trumpets, and the wall around Jericho came tumbling down. God gave his people Jericho in a special way. All the gold, silver, and precious metal from the city was then dedicated to God.

The Israelites had sinned against God many times throughout their time in the desert and did not deserve his love and help, but God kept his promises to them by giving them many blessings, including the city of Jericho. We also sin against God and do not deserve the blessings he gives to us. Yet we thank him for all the love he does show us, including Jesus - who died on the cross to pay for our sins. We are then reminded in our Bible verse to honor God in everything we do as a way to say thank you. 
Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 10:31 "Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
Bible song: "Go Down Moses"

In Music this week we continue to explore the concept of pitch. A third concept of pitch is introduced this week: middle sounding pitches. We now practice matching pitches that are low, middle, and high. Children begin to understand that pitches can be played or sung in any order. In the song, "I Can Sing High", we practice hand motions and body motions to indicate high, middle, and low pitches. This also begins to lay a background for learning to read musical notation.

This week hula hoops are introduced in Movement time. With the hoops on the floor, we use them for a variety of activities - challenging our bodies to grow large or small in the hoop, balancing on 1 foot inside them, jumping in and out of them, and making bridges over the hoop. We play a game called "Switcheroo" where we switch hoop homes to stand in a new one. Our warm up songs include "Knees Up, Mother Brown" and "Flick a Fly".

This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Classifying. Children love to explore the similarities and differences between objects. They enjoying making collections, sorting things into categories, and comparing attributes. Some experiences to promote these skills this week include sorting buttons and bottle caps, sorting socks and other garments, grouping shapes and tangram tiles, and creating yarn fences to group and sort a variety of beads. 

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