Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Newsletter 2/4/15

Important Dates to Remember:
February 11th - Dog musher visits school; 10:30AM
February 12,13,16 - No Preschool; Teacher's Conference and President's Day
February 18th - Visit from an Alaska State Trooper; 10:30AM

Morning Books
"That is Not a Good Idea" by Mo Willems
"Oh No, George!" by Chris Haughton
"The Cow Loves Cookies" by Karma Wilson

Afternoon Books
"I'm Mighty" by Kate McMullen

For most of the children, planning time is now such a routine part of the day. Many of them have "favorite" plans, which can repeat from day to day, but they also enjoy thinking of new activities to do during Work Time. This week, children stick stickers on a note card with their name on it when it's their turn to plan.

An angel appeared to Joseph after King Herod died, letting him know that it was safe to return home. Mary, Joseph and Jesus made their home in the town of Nazareth. 
Every year, God's people would travel to Jersualem to celebrate the festival of The Passover. When Jesus was 12 years old, Mary and Joseph decided to take Jesus along. After a week of worshiping and praising God at the temple in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph began the journey home to Nazareth. They thought Jesus was traveling with some of their family and friends, but by the end of the first day, they realized Jesus was not in the group. 
They returned to Jerusalem and searched for Jesus for three days. When they found him, he was in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Mary and Joseph were surprised to find him there and didn't understand what he meant when he told them, "Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?" Jesus then returned to Nazareth with his parents and was obedient to them.
Bible verse: Colossians 3:20 "Children obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord."
Bible song: "Children Obey Your Parents in the Lord" by Steve Green

This week in Music we continue our work with learning how to read music using color coded sheets. Each child receives a handbell, and when Miss Zarnstorff points to the color on the page that matches the color of their bell, it's their turn to play. The children will be working on the song "Jesus Loves Me" for two more weeks. 

We've really enjoyed starting Movement Time this week with an action book entitled, "From Head to Toe" by Eric Carle. Children turn their heads like penguins, bend their necks like a giraffe, wriggle their bodies like a crocodile, arch their backs like cats, thump their chests like a gorilla and wiggle their toes like a parrot. We then practice our tossing skills as we toss a beanbag back and forth to a partner. We end with the song "The Beanbag" where we skip, walk, tiptoe, and turn around with the beanbag on our head. 

This week during Small Group Time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicators (KDI): Art as we work on some Valentine's Day related activities. On Monday we include some work with scissors and letters as we cut along a zig-zag line to create a puzzle out of the letters in our name. On Tuesday we glue hearts on a paper plate to make a wreath. On Wednesday children work with a variety of materials such as stickers, feathers and paper to make a heart collage. On Thursday we work on creating Valentine's Day cards and on Friday we make some "Cupid Kabobs" with blueberries, strawberries and orange slices.

I can see through these buttons!

The doctors helping our sick friend!

Today's hair dressing salon

Playing with snow in the water table.

It was so cold I needed my gloves!

I'm a shark!

Check out my ice cream tower!

A special note for my mom. Mom, he wanted me to make sure you  saw this!

The children were playing sleeping princesses and princes during Work Time.
It was quite the peaceful 15 minutes!

Feet up and comfortable!

Extreme builders

We have quite the talented builders in our class!

Our beautiful hallway decorations.

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