Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Newsletter 4/1/15

April 3rd - No Preschool; Good Friday
April 6th - No Preschool; Easter Monday

Morning Books
"The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson
"What the Ladybug Heard" by Julia Donaldson
"Sophie's Fish" by A.E. Cannon

Afternoon Books
"Our Tree Named Steve" by Alan Zweibel

We bring some some math concepts into planning time this week as we try to put counting bears into the corresponding sized cup. If a child is given a small bear, he or she needs to put it in the smallest cup, if given a medium sized bear, the medium cup, and a large bear into the largest cup.

This week is the week leading up to the celebration of Easter, also known as Holy Week. After sharing a special meal with his twelve disciples in Jerusalem, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane with them to pray. He instructed his disciples to wait for him while he prayed alone. Jesus cried out to his Heavenly Father asking him to take away the suffering he knew he was about to endure. Yet Jesus knew that his Father's will would be done. After praying in the garden, Judas, one of Jesus' disciples betrayed him, leading Jesus' enemies to him to so they could arrest him. We hear how Jesus was handed over to his enemies to be crucified on the cross. Jesus was taken to stand before the leader named Pilate. Although Pilate saw no valid charges that could be made against Jesus, he was afraid about what the crowd would do if he let Jesus go free. The crowd of Jesus' enemies shouted, "Crucify him!" and Pilate gave in to their demands. Jesus was beaten, mocked, spit on, and nailed to the tree. Around midday, Jesus spoke the words, "It is finished!", bowed his head, and died.

In his time of turmoil, Jesus turned to his Heavenly Father in prayer and knew he would hear him. Jesus knew his Father's will and answer would be the best, so he prayed that his Father's will would be done. We also want to pray that whatever our Father wants for us will be done, because we know that he loves us and wants what is best for us. 

Hearing about Jesus' incredible suffering and gruesome death makes us sad. Even though he was perfect and didn't deserve punishment, he went through it all willingly in our place. We grieve that our sins put him on that cross, but at the same time we are happy. His death means our life. He paid for the sins of all people for all time. We rejoice that through faith in Jesus, we will live in heaven with God forever because of his death on the cross for us.

Bible verse: Ephesians 1:7 "We have through Jesus' blood, the forgiveness of sins."
Bible song: "How Deep the Father's Love For Us"

Because this week's KDI during Small Group Time focuses on Music, we shorten or even eliminate the Music rotation this week. The two songs we sing this week during some transitions of our day include "There Were 5 in the Bed" and "Sing a Song of Sixpence".

This week during Movement Time we try to stick to our music theme by playing musical chairs. The children have enjoyed learning this game and dashing to find a chair to sit on when the music stops. Occasionally Miss Zarnstorff will sit down too, which means someone is left without a chair!

This week during Small Group Time, we spend some time on a Key Developmental Indicator (KDI) that we typically do every day anyway: Music. We use Small Group Time this week to spend some time talking about and exploring musical instruments. The children love the opportunity to create sounds with the instruments - especially loud sounds. We also encourage them to think of other ways the instrument can make a sound, whether that's quietly or in an unconventional way. On Tuesday the children create their own instruments using oatmeal containers for drums, tins filled with beans for shakers, rubber bands and muffin tins for stringed instruments and muffin tins and spoons for percussion. They also assisted Miss Zarnstorff in creating a rain maker instrument - a long cardboard tube filled with rice. On Wednesday we attempt to make sounds using everyday objects found in the classroom, and on Thursday we play some music while the children paint, encouraging them to listen to the music and paint what they hear.

Building structures with blocks and velcro.

Oops, mine is tipping over!

Birthday cupcakes are delicious!

My foam block structure, held secure with
shaving cream cement!

Getting a little messy.

This feels good, let me rub it all over
my arms!

Getting taller...steady, steady.

Look at my building!

Spreading on a layer of "cement".

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Newsletter 3/25/15

March 27th - Vision Screening; 1:30PM-3:30PM
March 28th - Eggstravaganza egg decorating at Faith; 4-6PM
April 3rd - No Preschool; Good Friday
April 6th - No Preschool; Easter Monday

Morning Books
"Spoon" by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
"The Pout-Pout Fish" by Deborah Diesen
"The Nowhere Box" by Sam Zuppardi

Afternoon Books
"Brontorina" by James Howe

This week we roll a ball to each child when it is their turn to plan. 

This week we learn about a parable of Jesus. A parable is a story that Jesus would often tell to illustrate a point that he wanted someone to learn. Often we'll say it's an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. A man had come to Jesus wanting to know what he had to do to gain eternal life. Jesus referred the man to God's Law and asked him what it said. The man replied that we are to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart" and "Love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus told him he was correct and that if we do that, we will live (eternally). The man wanted clarification on who exactly his neighbor was. Jesus then started telling the parable. A man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers, beaten, and left for dead. A priest and a Levite passed by where the man lay, but both carried on walking. Finally a Samaritan man walked past and saw the man laying there. He felt sorry for him and went to help him. He bandaged his wounds, took him on his donkey to an inn and even paid the innkeeper so the man could stay there until he was better. 
Jesus then asked the man which of the three he thought was being a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers. The man correctly answered, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him to then go and do likewise.

In Bible Time, we take this lesson and focus on ways that we can be a neighbor to those around us, and even those we don't know -- how we can "serve one another in love". At the same time, we realize that so often we fail to love God with our whole heart, and we fail to love our neighbor as ourselves. We then take comfort in the fact that Jesus did that perfectly in our place. Saving ourselves by anything we "do" is an impossible task. We need a Savior, and this is Jesus.

Bible verse: Galatians 5:13b "Serve one another in love."
Bible song: "Be Kind to One Another"

This week during Music Time we continue to explore the musical concept of ascending and descending scales. We learn a song called "We Can Make a New Song" which has ascending and descending sections. To try and solidify the idea that notes move up and down by steps, we take advantage of the stairs near where we do music time. Each child gets a turn to walk up the stairs during the ascending scales section, and down the stairs during the descending sections. Sometimes notes repeat, or stay the same, so for that part of the song we just stand still. The children have also enjoyed a song called "On My Toe There Is A Flea", which is also sung using scales.

This week we will enhance our listening skills while playing with bean bags. We will play a game called Pass the Bean Bag. During this game we will have to control the speed of our passes. We will also get to practice using our throwing arms and aim as we try to throw our bean bags through a hula hoop.

This week during Small Group Time, we’re focusing on a combination of Key Developmental Indicators (KDI). We use Tools and Technology as well as Large and Small motor skills, social interaction and problem solving skills - using these KDIs to focus on building. On Monday the children used our wooden blocks and followed a template to make different animal shapes. On Tuesday we used cardboard boxes to create "Nowhere Boxes" like George did in one of our morning stories. The children loved spending lots of time working on these boxes. On Wednesday we'll do some building using cardboard squares. The squares are cut to have slot marks in, and the children will slide the squares together to make different shapes and structures. On Thursday we'll use some small wooden blocks which have velcro on them to stick the blocks together creating unique shapes. On Friday we bring in some sensory materials when we use shaving cream as cement to stick foam blocks together. One of our goals in focusing on building is to challenge the children to think creatively, to create representations of structures or to use their imaginations rather than just using blocks and structures for the sole purpose of knocking them down. 
Playing with oobleck

Look at my tool belt!

Using funnels and bottles in the pink water.

Working on some fine motor skills.

Box city! Working on our "nowhere boxes" based on the book
"The Nowhere Box" by Sam Zuppardi.

Working together.

Adding buttons to our box

Taping it closed

Decorating my box

Working to cut a window in my box

Peek a boo! Peeking through my window

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Newsletter 3/18/15

March 23rd-26th - Parent Teacher Conferences
March 28th - Eggstravaganza egg decorating at Faith; 4-6PM
April 3rd - No Preschool; Good Friday
April 6th - No Preschool; Easter Monday

Morning Books
"Sam and Dave Dig a Hole" by Mac Barnett
"I Broke my Trunk" by Mo Willems
"Paul Meets Bernadette" by Rosy Lamb

Afternoon Books
"Z is for Moose" by Kelly Bingham

This week we use tongs to place pom poms into egg carton tray when it is our turn to plan. Planning time can be a chance to work on problem solving skills as well. Sometimes children will make a plan to play with a friend and other children will feel left out. We often spend a time talking through ways to include each other in our play and how to be kind and loving toward one another.  

As we continue to learn about the life and ministry of Jesus, we hear about another one of the miracles Jesus performed. In this week's Bible lesson, we learn that Jesus is in the city of Capernaum preaching and teaching. So many people were eager to hear what Jesus had to say that he often attracted large crowds. In Capernaum, he was preaching at a house full of people when suddenly a man on a mat was lowered down to where he was standing through a hole in the roof. This man was paralyzed and his friends had brought him to Jesus, trusting that Jesus could help him. When Jesus saw the great faith these men had, he first turned to the paralyzed man and told him his sins were forgiven. Some of the teachers of the law who were present were furious that Jesus would say that his sins were forgiven. They did not believe that Jesus was God and therefore found it blasphemous that Jesus forgave that man's sins. Jesus knew what they were thinking and proceeded to prove to them that he did have the authority to forgive sins. He said to the paralyzed man, "Get up, take your mat, and go home." Immediately the man was able to stand up and walk. He left that house praising God for what he had done. The rest of the people who witnessed this miracle were amazed at what they had seen and gave praise to God. One of the purposes of Jesus' miracles was to show his divine power by doing things only God can do.

Bible verse: 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."
Bible song: "Cast All Your Anxiety"

This week during Music Time we begin to explore the musical concept of scales - notes moving higher and lower sequentially. We learn a song called "I Know a Little Pussy" to introduce the concept. The song moves up and down the scale, one note at a time. We also use handbells to practice identifying scales going up and scales going down. We also learn a song called "Stepping Up and Stepping Down" while using hand motions to show an ascending or descending scale pattern.

This week we will explore hula hoops and how we can use them for various activities. We will learn and practice new ways of moving our bodies with the hula hoops. We will create bridges and tables using our arms and legs. We will also learn a new game where we get to pretend to be frogs jumping on lily pads.

This week during Small Group Time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicators (KDI): Predicting and Experimenting. Children are active learners, curious about their environment, and eager to make sense of their world by experimenting. This week we focus on experimenting using a variety of materials. On Monday we work with colors and mixing colors as we watch water travel down strips of paper towel into a plastic cup. As the blue and yellow colors meet, they make green. On Tuesday we filled a ziploc bag with water and sealed it. We then took turns to poke a sharp pencil crayon into the bag and were amazed to discover that the water didn't leak out of the bag even after the pencil was jabbed through it! On Wednesday we got our hands dirty as we played with Oobleck - made with cornstarch and water. On Thursday we made fireworks in a bottle using water, oil, and food coloring. On Friday we played with "magic milk". After pouring milk into a tray, we dropped dots of food coloring into the milk. We then took a Q-tip with dish soap on it and dipped it into the milk where the food coloring was. The colors magically dispersed! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Newsletter 3/4/15

March 6th - End of 3rd Quarter; 12 noon dismissal
March 9th-13th - Spring Break; No classes
March 23rd-26th - Parent Teacher Conferences

Morning Books
"The Foolish Tortoise" by Richard Buckley and Eric Carle
"Russell the Sheep" by Rob Scotton
"Penguins/Polar Bears Close Up" by Lorna Hendry

Afternoon Books
"Rainbow Fish to the Rescue" by Marcus Pfister

This week's planning activity uses Banagram tiles which are little game pieces with letters on them. They are placed into a cloth bag and each child has to draw a letter from the bag. The child whose letter is drawn has a chance to share their plans for Work Time. 

We learn about another miracle of Jesus this week. Jesus had healed the sick and preached to many people near the Sea of Galilee and was tired. He decided to retreat with his disciples to the other side of the lake to get some rest. While they were in the boat trying to cross the lake, a violent storm blew in. The disciples were terrified and thought they would die! Meanwhile, Jesus had found a spot in the boat to rest his head and fall asleep. The disciples were so afraid they would all drown that they woke Jesus up and said, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" When Jesus woke up and saw what was happening he first of all said to his disciples, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" and then he said to the wind and waves, "Be quiet, be still!" and they immediately obeyed. The disciples were in awe and replied, "Who is this man, that even the wind and the waves obey him?" 

We know this man is more than just a man, as the disciples would begin to understand more and more as well. This man, Jesus, is also true God. He holds all authority and power in heaven and on earth, not only to perform miracles like this one, but to save us from our sins by his suffering and death on the cross and grant us eternal life by his resurrection from the dead.
Bible verse: Romans 10:17a "Faith comes from hearing the message."
Bible song: "How Deep the Father's Love for Us"

This week Miss Wendland leads Music Time with the book "How Much Is That Doggie In the Window?" by Iza Trapani. The book was introduced on Monday by just reading through it. On Tuesday Miss Wendland sang the melody for all the verses and the children enjoyed discussing the book. By the end of the week, we hope to include the children in singing at least one verse of the story.

This week's movement activities are infested with bugs! Dead bugs! The students will be learning new ways of getting from one area to another area. They will be practicing walking, running, hopping, skipping, etc. After they have practiced these movements, they will utilize their knowledge and listening skills in a game called Dead Bugs. After all that practicing, children will also learn a new game about Bubble Gum which will exercise not only their bodies but also their minds as they use their counting skills.

This week during Small Group Time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicators (KDI): Art. The interest and joy children find in art appears to be universal. All over the world children use "standard" art materials furnished by adults as well as more "non-conventional" methods such as drawing in the sand or mud, scratching with stones on pavement, lacing yarn, or working with whatever else is on hand. Children find joy in exploring a variety of materials and art mediums. They have the chance to represent what they see and feel using visual images, and their sense of self develops as they literally leave their mark on the world. (Epstein, p.30) This week we go in depth using one art medium specifically - paint and watercolors, but we still introduce a variety of materials to use along with the paint. On Monday we painted by rolling several marbles around in a plastic bin lined with paper and different paint colors. On Tuesday we each had a paper towel and squirted different watercolor paints on it using a pipette. We watched as the colors mixed and blended with each other to create new colors. On Wednesday we paint a white piece of paper using a blown up balloon. On Thursday we use liquid watercolors again but this time we painted a bucket of ice. On Friday we have the chance to use our fingers and sponges in some finger paint.
Writing out my list.

Working very hard to balance these wires. 

He told me this was a picture of Jesus dying on the cross.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Pennies for Patients

Pennies for Patients  continues through April 3rd.  Pennies for Patients is a program to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by collecting spare change. Every little bit helps! Please support the students in this opportunity to use our gifts to serve others. 

The children will have the opportunity to collect spare change and put them in the little cardboard piggy banks that were sent home with them. Bring the boxes back to school when they're full any time during this month and we'll add them to the class piggy bank. April 3rd will be the final day for collecting change and we'll count how much we raised.

Wondering what The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society does? Visit their website:  http://www.lls.org/#/aboutlls/

Thank you for your help!!