Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Newsletter 3/4/15

March 6th - End of 3rd Quarter; 12 noon dismissal
March 9th-13th - Spring Break; No classes
March 23rd-26th - Parent Teacher Conferences

Morning Books
"The Foolish Tortoise" by Richard Buckley and Eric Carle
"Russell the Sheep" by Rob Scotton
"Penguins/Polar Bears Close Up" by Lorna Hendry

Afternoon Books
"Rainbow Fish to the Rescue" by Marcus Pfister

This week's planning activity uses Banagram tiles which are little game pieces with letters on them. They are placed into a cloth bag and each child has to draw a letter from the bag. The child whose letter is drawn has a chance to share their plans for Work Time. 

We learn about another miracle of Jesus this week. Jesus had healed the sick and preached to many people near the Sea of Galilee and was tired. He decided to retreat with his disciples to the other side of the lake to get some rest. While they were in the boat trying to cross the lake, a violent storm blew in. The disciples were terrified and thought they would die! Meanwhile, Jesus had found a spot in the boat to rest his head and fall asleep. The disciples were so afraid they would all drown that they woke Jesus up and said, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" When Jesus woke up and saw what was happening he first of all said to his disciples, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" and then he said to the wind and waves, "Be quiet, be still!" and they immediately obeyed. The disciples were in awe and replied, "Who is this man, that even the wind and the waves obey him?" 

We know this man is more than just a man, as the disciples would begin to understand more and more as well. This man, Jesus, is also true God. He holds all authority and power in heaven and on earth, not only to perform miracles like this one, but to save us from our sins by his suffering and death on the cross and grant us eternal life by his resurrection from the dead.
Bible verse: Romans 10:17a "Faith comes from hearing the message."
Bible song: "How Deep the Father's Love for Us"

This week Miss Wendland leads Music Time with the book "How Much Is That Doggie In the Window?" by Iza Trapani. The book was introduced on Monday by just reading through it. On Tuesday Miss Wendland sang the melody for all the verses and the children enjoyed discussing the book. By the end of the week, we hope to include the children in singing at least one verse of the story.

This week's movement activities are infested with bugs! Dead bugs! The students will be learning new ways of getting from one area to another area. They will be practicing walking, running, hopping, skipping, etc. After they have practiced these movements, they will utilize their knowledge and listening skills in a game called Dead Bugs. After all that practicing, children will also learn a new game about Bubble Gum which will exercise not only their bodies but also their minds as they use their counting skills.

This week during Small Group Time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicators (KDI): Art. The interest and joy children find in art appears to be universal. All over the world children use "standard" art materials furnished by adults as well as more "non-conventional" methods such as drawing in the sand or mud, scratching with stones on pavement, lacing yarn, or working with whatever else is on hand. Children find joy in exploring a variety of materials and art mediums. They have the chance to represent what they see and feel using visual images, and their sense of self develops as they literally leave their mark on the world. (Epstein, p.30) This week we go in depth using one art medium specifically - paint and watercolors, but we still introduce a variety of materials to use along with the paint. On Monday we painted by rolling several marbles around in a plastic bin lined with paper and different paint colors. On Tuesday we each had a paper towel and squirted different watercolor paints on it using a pipette. We watched as the colors mixed and blended with each other to create new colors. On Wednesday we paint a white piece of paper using a blown up balloon. On Thursday we use liquid watercolors again but this time we painted a bucket of ice. On Friday we have the chance to use our fingers and sponges in some finger paint.
Writing out my list.

Working very hard to balance these wires. 

He told me this was a picture of Jesus dying on the cross.

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