Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Newsletter 3/19/14

Important Dates to Remember:
Parent-Teacher Conferences coming up in April (specific dates coming soon)
April 18th - No Preschool; Good Friday
April 21st - No Preschool; Easter Monday 

Morning Books
"Lemons are Not Red" by Laura Seeger
"Millie Waits for the Mail" by Alexander Steffensmeier
"Little Blue Truck Leads the Way" by Alice Schertle

Afternoon Books
"Warning! Do Not Open This Book" by Adam Lehrhaupt

It is difficult to predict what, out of all the things children have done at work time, they will choose to talk about at recall time. Children rarely give a strictly chronological account of their work-time experiences. They tend to select one or two things that are of particular significance to them. The point of recall time is the give children the choice to talk about what interested them. Having the opportunity to say something about their own experiences is more important than which experience they actually recall. This week we used a toy car for planning and recall. When the car was driven in front of each child, it was his or her turn to plan or recall.

In this week's Bible lesson we learn about a woman named Hannah who prayed for years for God to bless her with a son. God heard Hannah's prayer and blessed her with a son named Samuel. When Samuel  was a young boy, Hannah brought him to the temple to live so he could serve God there. It was Hannah's way to say thank you to God for the blessing of a son. Samuel lived and worked with a priest named Eli and grew in knowledge and love for God. God spoke to Samuel one night instructing him to tell Eli some bad news. Because Eli's sons were wicked and Eli had done nothing to stop their wickedness, God would punish Eli's family. True to his Word, a short time later both Eli's sons were killed in a battle and upon hearing the shocking news, Eli also died.
We learn an important lesson from this account of the Bible. Hannah raised her son the way that is pleasing to God - she taught him about the Lord. Although Eli knew of his sons' wickedness, he did nothing to stop them. One way to show our love for God is by loving and obeying our parents.
Bible verse: Colossians 3:20 "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord."
Bible song: "I Thank You For My Parents, Lord"

In Music this week we sing the song "Hey! Hey! Look at Me!" to practice the low, middle and high pitches. Continuing to use pictures, move our bodies and use the piano to match the pitches we sing, helps to solidify this concept.

We continue our work with hula hoops in Movement time this week. Last time, most of the challenges involved the hula hoop staying on the floor. This week we have a chance to pick them up and balance them on different parts of our body. We create tables over our hoops using our bodies - feet and hands on the floor while our belly faces the sky. We warm up to the song "Boogie Down and Cruise" and close with the song "Caterpillars to Butterflies."

This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Fine Motor Skills. Experiences that develop strength, coordination, and endurance in using their whole hand to manipulate materials include hole punching and threading with string, cutting and gluing, using tweezers to grip and sort beans and tiles, tearing paper and magazines, pinning clothespins on a clothesline and using Q-tips to paint.

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