Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Newsletter 9/17/14

Important Dates to Remember:
September 19th - Parent's Night Out; 6:00PM-9:00PM
September 22nd - "Making Life Better" class with Pastor Ewings; 6:30PM-8:00PM
October 17th - End of First Quarter; noon dismissal

Special Notes:
In order to make it easier for you to attend the "Making Life Better" classes with Pastor Ewings, we will be providing free care for your child(ren) in our preschool room while you're upstairs attending class. Please speak to the director if you plan on bringing your children and need care! 

Don't forget to work on those comfort kits and bring those in to us as soon as they're ready!

Morning Books
"Peter's Chair" by Ezra Jack Keats
"Little Blue Truck" by Alice Schertle
"Old Bear" by Kevin Henkes
"Mouse Shapes" by Ellen Stoll Walsh

Afternoon Books
"Time for Bed" by Mem Fox
"Baa Baa Black Sheep" by Iza Trapani

Recall time occurs at the end of work time after cleaning up. It is the final segment in the plan-do-review process. Just as planning is more than simply choosing—it is making a purposeful or intentional choice—recall is more than simply remembering—it involves purposeful memory. Recall time helps children think about what they have done in their interactions with people, materials, and ideas. This week we used a chart with the different classroom areas drawn on it for planning and recall time. During each child’s turn to plan or recall this week, they place their letter link on the area in which they worked.

God’s world began to fill with people, but as time passed, they forgot about God and his promises. People were wicked and did not obey God. A man named Noah and his family were the only ones who still believed in God and his promise to send a Savior. God told Noah that he was going to destroy all people and everything that lived on the earth because of their wickedness. Noah, his wife, their three sons and each of their wives would be the only people to survive the flood. God gave Noah instructions to build a large ark—large enough for Noah’s family, enough food, and two kinds of every creature. Noah obeyed God’s command despite the mocking from the people around him. Then God sent what he had promised—it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, wiping out everything not in the ark. After the rains and the flood, God let the ark come to rest on the top of a mountain and dried up all the water. God let Noah know when it was safe for him and his family to leave the ark, and then gave them the command to fill the earth again with people. Noah and his family built an altar and offered a special offering to God as a way to show their thanks for being kept safe during the flood. God then put a rainbow in the sky as a reminder to Noah and all people that he would never again send a flood that would destroy the whole world. Whenever we see a rainbow in the sky, it also serves as a reminder for us that God keeps all of his promises, the greatest of which is a Savior, Jesus, who paid for our sins on the cross and gives us eternal life through him.

Bible verse: 1 Timoth 2:3-4 "God our Savior wants all people to be saved."
Bible song: "Surely It Is God Who Saves Me"

In music time this week basic rhythm is introduced as children learn that music consists of both sound and silence. Sometimes songs contain short or long rests. B-I-N-G-O is the perfect song to explore rests within music. Not only are children learning the concept of rest, but when we make our voices rest, our hands are clapping the silences in place of the letters. This is providing good practice with keeping a beat!

This week during Movement Time, we begin by dancing "The Chicken Dance". Children have enjoyed acting like chickens and ducks, shaking their tails, and dancing with a partner. We've been able to enjoy a few mornings outside for our next section of Movement Time. We practice our self-regulation, listening, and following skills as we walk along straight, curved, and zig-zag lines on the pavement. Sometimes we walk tall, sometimes we crouch low, we walk on tiptoes, and we walk sideways. We end Movement Time by dancing to "Step On Stones"

The KDI for this week’s small group activities is shapesYoung children enjoy working with shapes when they complete puzzles, sort and stack different flat and 3D shapes, and combine and transform shapes to make other shapes. Through repeated hands-on interaction, preschoolers begin to recognize and name two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional shapes and their characteristics. This week children make a shape caterpillar out of circles and rectangles, use popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners and sticky tack to create shapes, form shapes out of play dough, short shapes into different containers, and play a game based on our morning story "Mouse Shapes".

Welcome to your first day of preschool!

Classifying loud and quiet sounds.

After our naps, our brains were refreshed to help us put this
puzzle together.

Minnie and friends

Scooping beans with shovels 
Creating shape caterpillars

Showing off my caterpillar 

"I love birthday treats!" 
Finger painting in after care

2nd day in a row of birthday treats!

Painting raindrops and pictures for mom and dad

Drawing noses

Creating shapes with popsicle sticks

This square makes a perfect picture frame

My triangle, with a flare of "A"

I made my popsicle stick into a lollipop

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