Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Remember me, O LORD

What a wonderful week! This week we were able to participate with our grade school students to support our Cross Country team. They will be having their first meet this weekend. To help the students get excited - we were able to have a few fun themed days this week! Today was mix up Wednesday! The students were able to dress in silly apparel. Tomorrow they will be wearing their class color - preschool is RED! Friday will be our school color day, we are teal and gold! It is great to have our preschool students participate with our grade school.

Morning Stories:
If you give a mouse a cookie by Laura Numeroff
There is a monster at the end of this book! by Jon Stone
Happy Pig Day by Mo Willems
Russell the Sheep by Rob Scotton
Let's Play! by Henre Tullet

Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum):
This week we see Gods mercy on us, His children. Our students heard the story of Noah and the flood this week. We can see the almighty power of our Lord in this story. Noah saw Gods mercy when he was able to build the ark and save his family from destruction. God's grace is what saved Noah. Through His sons death on the cross - we are saved by faith. What a wonderful blessing to tell a story that shows the might of our Lord. The students were able to learn the 'Arky Arky' song this week to go with our story. They focused on Psalm 106:4, "Remember me, O LORD." God keeps his promises. After the flood, He sent a rainbow in the sky as a reminder that he would never again send a flood to destroy the whole world. We can trust in Him and His word.

Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum):
The focus this week in movement time is running and walking. The students have to focus on being able to make their bodies transition between the two. They are able to play various games, such as STOP and GO with running and walking incorporated. They have enjoyed being able to experiment with using their bodies in different ways. They have realized that they need to watch for their friends while doing these activities.

Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum):
Our lesson this week is all about loud and soft sounds with our voices. They are able to learn two new songs this week to help support the concept: 'Hey Betty Martin' and '5 Green and Speckled Frogs'. They have enjoyed being able to use their voices in different ways. They can also use their ears to hear the difference in their teachers voice as she demonstrates the different levels of volume.

Small Group Time (HighScope Curriculum):
For small group this week, the students have focused on the letter B and a Key Developmental Indicator. The KDI for this week is counting. Children are able to place and count items.

Monday: The students worked on filling a big and small letter B outline with tissue squares. After glueing the tissues squares in place, they were able to count how many it took to fill the letter.

Tuesday: They took colored bears and created patterns (based off of helpful cards) while counting how many bears it took to create the given pattern.

Wednesday: The students took buttons and placed them into numbered containers in a muffin tin. This was a very challenging activity for some students. They help solidify the concept, students were able to work with a partner to help!

Thursday: They were able to do a fun small group activity outside - bubbles! the students had to count how many bubbles came out of the wand after one blow!
Friday: The students were able to create a beaded necklace to keep! They were given a set amount of beads for this activity. The students had to count how many beads they had before creating their necklace.

Planning and Recall Time (HighScope Curriculum):
This week the students were able to review the 'Acka Backa' planning activity with the hula hoop. The students understand the concept a lot better this week! What a blessing.

Afternoon Table Activities:
In the afternoon, students choose from the sensory table, snack, or one of the table activities after rest time.

Monday(Math): numbered charts with beads.
Tuesday(Fine Motor): lettered clothespins with different shapes (they must match upper and lower case letters)
Wednesday(Manipulatives): foam blocks
Thursday(Art & Literacy): sort it out books and watercolors
Friday(Sensory): shaving cream on the tables with cars

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