Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Love the Lord your God

This week we have been able to have parent teacher conferences. I pray that you were able to learn more about your child and how they are doing in preschool. God has truly blessed our class this year. It is a joy to see how much they have changed since August! They continue to grow each day as we learn more. God is good.

Morning Stories:
Don't Push the Button by Bill Cotter
Peter's Chair by Ezra Jack Keats
The Hat by Jan Brett
Goodnight Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann
Wolfie the Bunny by Ame Dyckman

Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum):
The students have been hearing the story of God giving the ten commandments. God gave the Commandments to us to show us the meaning of living a godly life and to show us that we need a Savior. God offers us forgiveness and restores us daily through the saving grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit working in us that enables us to grow in our faith. God has given us the ten commandments in love. In return we can show our love to him. As it says in Deuteronomny 6:5, "Love the Lord your God." What a wonderful blessing to know that God has loved us so much that he looks past the mistakes we make in life and shows us His grace. He loves us despite our flaws. It is amazing to see the amount of love He shows us. God is good.

Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum):
Our main focus this week in movement is skipping. The students have been learning this gross motor movement slowly. We have tried to make them focus on lifting their knees high and slowly moving around the room. Each day the students are able to attempt the movement faster and faster as they are comfortable. They have been able to do these activities while playing different games and using their knowledge of the dances in movement time on the SPARK CD.

Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum):
This week, the students have been focusing on different types of sounds in music. They have new songs this week: "Hey Mister Big Drum', 'Little Ducky Dudddle', and 'Are you Sleeping?" Soon the students will be working on their songs for the Christmas program during music time. They will be working on a few different songs and recitations for the program. The program is in December.

Small Group Time (HighScope Curriculum):
The letter of the week is I. The students have used our Alaskan alphabet which tells us that iceberg begins with the letter I. The KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) the students are using this week is children explore and use different tools and technology.

Monday- the students were able to use glue and various shapes to make a big and little I.
Tuesday- they went on a letter hunt in the classroom for I.
Wednesday- the students were able to use various tools to create icebergs. They did this with shaving cream, glue and blue paper!
Thursday- they used several different tools to break the ice.
Friday- the students took ice chunks and used them to create a watercolor picture of things that start with the letter I.

Planning Time (HighScope Curriculum):
This week the students are able to use binoculars to do their planning and recall time. Students can look around the classroom at areas and items that they would like to play with during work time.

Afternoon Table Activities:
After the students are finished with rest time, they are able to choose from snack and one of the following activities:

Monday(Math)- number puzzles, tracing numbers with dry erase markers and memory math.
Tuesday(Fine Motor)- connectors, small puzzles and geoboards.
Wednesday(Manipulatives)- link n logs, fitting straws in holes of a container and a United State of America puzzle.
Thursday(Art and Literacy)- alphabet art with letter cards and finger painting.
Friday(Sensory)- shaving cream on the tables to make letters.

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