Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Newsletter 11/12/14

Important Dates to Remember:
November 14th - Parent's Night Out; 6:00-9:00PM
November 23rd - Preschool students sing in church at Faith at 11:00AM
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool

Special Notes:
Another friendly reminder to work on those comfort kits and get them in to us as soon as possible! 
You can find the sign up sheet for Parent's Night Out either outside our classroom door, or in the elementary school hallway outside the office.

Morning Books
"Big Al" by Andrew Clements Yoshi
"I Want My Hat Back" by Jon Klassen
"Lost and Found" by Oliver James

Afternoon Books
"Finders Keepers for Franklin" by Paulette Bourgeois

As children plan, they imagine something that has not yet happened, and they begin to understand that some set of their own actions can make it happen. They begin to see their own actions as a means to an end. We divide our planning groups by the "Blue Group" and the "Green Group", with Miss Wendland and Miss Zarnstorff leading the groups alternating weeks. This week we use a hula hoop for planning. When it is their turn, children sit in the hula hoop, pretending they are a baby bird sitting in a nest. 

In this week's Bible lesson we learn how Moses obeyed God's command to tell the king of Egypt to let the Israelites go. At first, the king refused and God sent 10 plagues or troubles to the land of Egypt. Finally the king permitted the Israelites to leave. After the king realized that he lost all his slaves, he changed his mind and sent his army to bring the Israelites back. God demonstrated his love and protection for his people by parting the Red Sea - creating a path of dry ground for the Israelites to walk across, with a wall of water on each side of them. The Egyptian army pursued them, but after all the Israelites made it across the sea safely, God caused the water to come crashing down on the Egyptian army, killing all of them. The Israelites called upon God for deliverance from the Egyptians and he rescued them with his almighty power. God also invites us to call upon Him in the day of trouble. He will deliver us and that gives us the opportunity to honor him. (Psalm 50:15) 

Bible verse: Psalm 50:15 "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Bible song: "May the Peace of God" 

In music we face the challenge of creating different sounds to the song "Not One, but Two". The song encourages children to create sounds using their voices or parts of their bodies. The challenge comes in creating two sounds that are different from each other. Some of the concepts children learn include that two sounds can be different in a variety of ways: soft or loud, slow or fast, high or low, and sounds with different timbres. We also use music time this week to give us extra practice for the songs we'll be singing in church on November 23rd - "Consider How the Birds Above" and "May the Peace of God".

This week we warm up by reviewing "Keep it Up". Last week we used small, yellow balloons, but this week we have bigger balloons of various colors. Our balloon challenges this week include trying to move from one line on the floor to another by holding our balloons in different ways. We hold them on our tummies, backs, head, between our hands like a steering wheel, or between our legs as we waddle to the other side. We close movement time with the "Song About Colors". We only stand up and wave our balloon around when the color of our balloon has been called. It takes some self-regulation skills to wait our turn! 

This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI): Part-Whole Relationships. Children's understanding of part-whole relationships comes largely by manipulating a variety of materials: materials that can be group and regrouped such as blocks, counting bears, and small plastic animals and materials that can be taken apart and put back together such as legos and playdough. On Monday we used playdough with beads and other materials to create birthday cakes. On Tuesday we manipulated beads in Ziploc bags with a little bit of water in them and a line drawn down the middle. Beads would move from side to side of the line, but the same 10 beads remained in the bag. On Wednesday we used buttons to arrange on a lady bug's wings, dividing them between the two wings in different ways. On Thursday we practiced a similar concept, except we put cotton balls (ice cream scoops) onto an apple pie. On Friday we used a classic material to demonstrate part-whole relationships: puzzles. The children in this group really seem to enjoy putting puzzles together!

Working on forming some letters.

Great team work to build this block tower!

Building a road.

Working on lego patterns last week.

Cotton ball patterns.

Reciting the pattern I made.

Everyone wanted to watch Miss Wendland set up the new marble run!

A picture of my brother.

Watch out! The shark will bite you!

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