Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Newsletter 11/26/14

Important Dates to Remember:
November 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break; No Preschool
December 6th - Christmas for Kids; 9:00AM-12:00PM
December 19th - End of 2nd quarter; noon dismissal; Children's Christmas Service at U.A.A. at 6:30PM

Special Notes:
Thank you so much for your generous and thoughtful food donations this past week! All that food will be a great blessing to many!
Thank you for joining us this past Sunday for church here at Faith for our Thanksgiving service. It was a joy to see your children praise God in song with us!
Christmas for Kids is a free event coming up on December 6th. (Check out the poster on the bulletin board outside our classroom door for more information.) If you're interested in signing your child(ren) up for that, space is limited, so sign up as soon as possible at www.faithalaska.com/preschool 

Morning Books
"Should I Share my Ice Cream?" by Mo Willems
"The Very Busy Spider" by Eric Carle
"Where is the Green Sheep?" by Mem Fox 

Afternoon Books
"Dirt on my Shirt" by Jeff Foxworthy

This week at planning time, children used tongs to pick up a pom pom and place it into the hole of an egg carton. After placing their pom pom into a hole, it was that child's turn to plan or recall the events of work time. 

God took care of his people, the Israelites, in the desert and led them to camp at the base of a mountain called Mount Sinai. Moses went up the mountain and God spoke to him there, telling him to remind the Israelites how He had led them out of Egypt, taken care of them in the desert, and now urged them to listen and obey him. There at the top of Mount Sinai, God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses. Moses shared them with the Israelites, giving them them the opportunity to show love for God by keeping and obeying these Commandments. We also have the opportunity to show our love for God by obeying him. And for all the times we know we fail to keep the Commandments, we thank Him for sending Jesus to die on the cross to pay for those sins.

Bible verse: Psalm 119:47 "I delight in your commands."

In Music this week we begin to explore the concept of pitch. The children have previously explored how two sounds can be either the same or different and this week the specific concept of high and low pitches is explored. With the song "Simon Sings", we use hand motions and body movements while singing high and low sounds, and we also use instruments to produce high and low sounds.

This week we warmed up with the song called "Following Directions with Exercise". This song was one of the songs we used in between morning stories last week, and the children enjoyed it a lot. We spend our last three days with balloons this week. We reviewed all of the skills we have learned so far - keeping the balloons up in the air, using our paddles, and dancing based on the color of our balloon. When we return from Thanksgiving break, we'll have a new material to work with during movement time.

This week during small group time, we’re focusing on the Key Developmental Indicator (KDI):Tools and Technology. Working on this KDI allows children to become familiar with and learn to use tools and technology found in their everyday environment. They learn the functions of a variety of equipment and learn to use it with safety and care. Tools and technology can also support their imaginative play. Some of the tools we explore this week include scissors, hole punches, and eye droppers.  

Pinning mittens on a clothesline last week.

Working on those fine motor pinching skills.

Practicing before I pin it to the string.

Fine motor threading beads on our turkey (playdough and spaghetti noodles)

My turkey's tail feathers.

Concentrating to get that bead on the noodle.

Focusing as I try to put this pipe cleaner through
the hole in the colander.

I put a lot of pipe cleaners in mine!

It looks pretty artsy; like a modern looking sculpture.

Dishing up some spaghetti in the sensory
table this week.

Working on cutting this week for our Tools and Technology KDI.

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