Monday, April 8, 2019

Hosanna in the Highest!

God Loves Me Dearly

Our students did such a great job singing in church yesterday! Thank you to all who could attend. I'm so proud of the kids. As we start a new week, I hope that each of your children are able to learn and grow in a new way. We start our parent/teacher conferences and I can't wait to show you how much has changed since August!

Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum)
Our story is about Jesus riding into Jerusalem. You can find our story in Matthew 21:1-11, hear how people welcomed Jesus as a king. The problem was that they wanted a king on earth, but Jesus ir a heavenly King. As you talk about our Bible story at home, lead your children in worship and show your love for our Savior. Show your chldren the joy and delight you have in your daily walk with our Lord and King! 

Here are the discovery points for our lesson this week:
Law: Sometimes we don't appreciate how great Jesus is.

Gospel: Jesus, our King of kings, the Lord of heaven and earth, saved us from our enemies--sin, death and the devil.

Sanctification: Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we joyfully worship Jesus, our Savior and King. 

Song & Passage
Every week, we focus on a new song and bible passge. This week the students will be learning "God Loves Me Dearly"... this is a fun song that reminds the children of God's love for each of us.

Our passage this week is from Matthew 21:9, "Hosanna in the highest!" throughout the week we will be working on this passage. The goal is to have the students be able to recite the passage by themselves on Friday. 

Small Group (HighScope Curriculum)
Our KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for this week is: Fine Motor

Monday: Students will get to spell out their name by placing stickers on the lines of the letters! Stickers are a great way to practice fine motor.

Tuesday: They will be sorting foam beads by color using tweezers.

Wednesday: Our students will be using lacing cards and placing straws into small holes of a container to practice their fine motor skills.

Thursday: They will work on writing their names independently using a pencil. (we will have our students "sign in" by writing their name this whole week, so this will be a little way of seeing which students can write their knows alone and which students still need guidance)

Friday: Students are using beads and string to create a pattern.

Movement Time (Spark Curriculum)
For movement time, our students will be reviewing their under hand tossing (with themselves, a partner and a target) throughout the week we will add challenges for the students such as: moving farther away from one another/the target and switching from bean bags to small balls.

The students will need to problem solve and see what they will need to do differently when switching from a bean bag to a ball. 

Music Time (Sign and Make Music Curriculum)
During music this week, our students will be reviewing keeping a tempo while reading sing along books. They will be using: "5 Little Monkeys" and "5 Green and Speckled Frogs" as their sing along stories. 

The students will be using their hands to tap the tempo of the story on their legs. They will have to follow the reading/singing tempo of our teacher to see if they can get her to speed up or slow down using their tapping.

Sensory Table
This week, we will be making a spring tub! Students will be able to play with beans, pots, fake plants, flowers, and bugs. They will be able to explore the world around them through the items in our tub. We may allow the students to collect items from outside (weather permitting) to help fill our tub with spring items!

Check out our art in the hallway! Our students created "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, what do you see?" by Eric Carle. They were able to spell out parts of the story and create the animals. This week, our students will be create a stamping project of a train as well as a finger print pineapple! 

Last week...
We were able to have the Alaska Zoo visit with a Ball Python! WHAT FUN :) 
The kids loved being able to learn more about this reptile, touch it and see what their skin looks like when they shed! Thanks Alaska Zoo.. 

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