Monday, April 1, 2019

I am Jesus Little Lamb

Today we start a new week! It is hard to believe that we only have two more months of preschool before summer vacation. I am so proud of our students and how much they have grown this year. I know they will be well prepared for the following school year. 

In our blog, I will do my best to share our lessons each week as well as photos of our students. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know! 

Bible Time (One in Christ Curriculum)
This week we will hear about Paul teaching Timothy. You can find our bible story in 2 Timothy 1:1-5, 3:14-17. As with Timothy long ago, God gives us a family and friends who love us and share the story of Jesus' love with us. What a gift that we can share God's Word with others. Pray for each other every night and every day.

Here are the discovery points for our lesson this week:
Law- On our own, we would never know God or love Him.

Gospel- God uses parents and teachers to teach us about Jesus, our Savior, who forgives our sins and makes us God's own children.

Sanctification- Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can grow up as God's children, learning more about Him and following Jesus in how we live.

Song & Passage
Each week we focus on a new song and passage during bible time. This week we will continue learning "I am Jesus Little Lamb" (verse 1) and "He's Still Working On Me" which they will sing in church on Sunday, April 7th. 

Our Passage this week is from 2 Timothy 1:3, "I remember you... in my prayers night and day" throughout the week we work on this passage and on Friday, the students can try saying the passage on their own!

Small Group (HighScope Curriculum)
This week our KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) is: Numbers.

Monday: Students will use a muffin tin with various numbers on the bottom. They will need to use tweezers to pick up foam shapes and place the proper amount in each container.

Tuesday: They will be tracing different numbers using paint and Q tips. 

Wednesday: Our students will be working on a number hunt in the classroom. As students find numbers, they will need to place them in the correct spot on our number line that has been created on the floor.

Thursday: Students will be tracing numbers and writing numbers on their own using their fine motor skills. 

Friday: Each student will be given a different number card. Based on the number card, students will create a tower with that amount of blocks. 

Movement Time (SPARK Curriculum)
During movement time this week, students will continue working on tossing with beanbags. They have worked on self tossing, target tossing and this week they will work on underhand tossing with a partner. 

As the week continues, students will move farther and farther away from one another to help them add an extra challenge to their lesson. 

Music Time (Sing and Make Music Curriculum)
This week, our students will take a look at sing along stories. Specifically, they will look at "Peanut Butter and Jelly"... They will also review our songs for singing in church on Sunday. We will be practicing in the church each day. I can't wait for you to hear them! They are doing such a great job.

Sensory Table
Our students helped collect rocks this past week from outside. They helped us wash the rocks and now this week they will help us create an underwater sensory tub with animals, rocks, boats and more! I'm excited to see what they choose to create in the sensory tub 
when given the proper supplies.

The students will be able to create art projects throughout the week. We will be creating a spring flower project. Hopefully we continue to have wonderful weather and the students will be able to create some projects outside using chalk.

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