My God is SO Great
We were blessed with some wonderful weather this past week! I hope and pray that the weather continues this week. Our kids LOVE outside time. We are hoping to have a day this week for an outside art activity, chalk and bubbles!
Bible Time (One in Christ)
Not everyone found out right away about the empty tomb. Can you imagine the joy that filled their heart to learn that their Savior was alive? This week we will get to hear about the joy that filled them! You can find our story in Luke 24:13-35 and in our handout from One in Christ. Help your child understand the joy and awe we feel when we know that because Jesus is alive, we, too, will have eternal life. We want to share this joy with others, just as the Emmaus disciples ran to tell the others about what they had seen.
Here are our discovery points for this week:
Law: We can do nothing to save ourselves from our sins; if Jesus had stayed dead, then we would have no hope.
Gospel: Jesus fulfilled God's promises to save His people from sin and death; because Jesus is alive, we, too, will live eternally.
Sanctification: Through the power of the Holy Spirit, in awe and joy, we can share the good news that Jesus is alive.
Song & Passage:
Each week we focus on a song and passage. This week we will look at 2 Timothy 3:14, "Continue in what you have learned." I pray that each of you are able to work with your child at home and remind them of the wonderful we gift we have. Thanks to Jesus, one day heaven will be ours! What a joy it is to learn more about our Savior each week. Our song this week is "My God is so Great"... we will focus on verse 1:
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty,
There's nothing my God cannot do.
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty,
There's nothing my God cannot do.
The mountains are his, the rivers are his,
the stars are his handiwork, too.
My God is so great, so strong and so mighty,
There's nothing my God cannot do.
Small Group (High Scope)
Our KDI (Key Developmental Indicator) for the week will be for physical growth and health: fine-motor skills. Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-eye coordination in using their small muscles.
Monday: We will use beads, number cards and pipe-cleaners! Our students will have to count how many beads they are placing on their pipe-cleaner.
Tuesday: Our students will be sorting pom-poms using tweezers. We will have the pom-poms on the carpet and students will have to pick up the pom-pom with the tweezers and put it on the correct table based on the color.
Wednesday: They will be able to create using strings and beads. This is a project that our students love! Many of them try to create a pattern or design to their beads.
Thursday: Our students will be able to use a variety of floor puzzles to work on their fine-motor skills. The board puzzles will also be available if the students have interest.
Friday: They will be using small connectors to build and explore with their fine-motor skills.
Movement (Spark)
This week is all about review! Our students will spend the week demonstrating their knowledge of a variety of movements. We will continue with our movement songs using the Spark CDs. They will need to demonstrate the movements of different animals (galloping, hopping, etc.)
Music (Sing and Make Music)
We will be taking this time to practice our spring plays "Chicken Little" and "Ten on the Sled"... remember, we have a dress rehearsal next week with all of our props and costumes! Be sure to continue prepping those items so that they are ready to go.
Sensory Table
They will be able to play with water and foam blocks. Our foam blocks stick together when water is added. They will continue to float and stack while the students explore what they would like to build! Our kids have been very interested in building different creations lately, I look forward to seeing what they make. We will have the sensory table open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Art Projects
Our students will be able to create a thumbprint dandelion project for spring time! They will be able to pick out what color they would like their dandelion to be. We will also work on creating a project for them to explore decoration their first letter of their name. We will provide them with several different items to choose from.
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